Moo, Moo, please don't have my brains as cake, I need them if I'm going to grow up to be like you, I can tell you have loads of brains and probably not baked at all. Oh Moo, I don't really know what joints is, but I know hurty is not nice. I do hope it goes soon. Mother says so
The best cake I ever ate was a chocolate eclair. I stole it of course you would love it. All that lovely cream mmmm. You just have to learn to be sneaky and inconspicuous just call me the shadow moo
I`m in a spot of bovver . Daddy took his nice jumper off last night and left it on the floor so I fort it would be a nice thing to nest in . Daddy was looking at me with such love this morning cos he fort I looked very sweet all cosied up . Then he found the hole I had nibbled in a sleeve , he said some norty words , but he wasn't really cross with me cos I didn't know I was doing it, he said , Nell xx
This is the trick, Nell. It is all you have to do. Just practice looking sweet and you can get away with ANYTHING.
Nanna is coming over to look after me today because mummy is going out on the mucky beeyer. Nanna said we're going to watch corronayshion street. I'll probably just wait until she's distracted and try and take down that tree they've brought into the living room. Stanley
You never guess what we had today we might tell only might Moo says keep quiet cos you'll all want some. ........... my lips are sealed Rory
Rory, you've got to tell! If it's that good I need some too! I was what mum calls a verysillygirl this week when mum went out. She left us with some yummy frozenKongswithbananaandtuna - yes, tuna! She said it was the dog ekwivalent of something called Cornishpasty cos it was sweet and savry. The trubble was that when I'd finished mine I cood still smell tuna, so I sniffed up on the worktop and found the plastictubfortheKongs and I licked and licked and chewed it all up. Mum found (nearly) all the peeces on the doormat when she got home, then I sicked up the rest in the night and she had to wash my bed. I think she was worrid about my tummy, but I'm fine! I wunder if she'll still give me tuna? Tuppy
I've got a poorly paw. Mum took me to see the vet lady and she has given me some tablets. Hope I don't have to go back again..........Annie
I have been getting under feet in the kitchen , I`m dead good at getting under feet cos I`m little . Mummy has been decorating a speshal cake , and it didn't go well cos she isn't very arty, she said . Daddy laffed at her cake , well he has to do one as well as Mummy , for a competishon , so come on then big man , lets see your effort and then Mummy mite laff too , Nell xx
I'm really cross! Mum and dad gave me a bath. I found a really good fox poo and daubed it all over my neck, ears and back. I even had some lovely lumps that stuck to my ears. Dad wouldn't let me take it in the house to show mum and washed it off in the garden. Then they took me upstairs and bathed me. Thats the last time I make an effort to look nice for ..... hang on ... its tea time so I love them again.
I've had a boring day . Daddy took me out for a walk but he was boring and I seen a squirrel and very nearly cought it, it was fun but daddy was annoyed that I ran off.....I didn't run far and mummy is usually ok bout it, daddy was moody for the rest of the walk. Mummy usally does my walks but her back and legs are poorly today and she keeps having leaky eyes when she moves. I'm on the sofa snuggling her now coz she needs lots of love. I'm hoping she's better tomorrow as walks with mummy are the best
They need snuggles when they have leaky eyes. Hope she's is ok soon the snuggles and love go a long way. Xxx Rory and Moo
Ging has had a great day today I've been barking loads. I treated her to an volley of crazy barks at about 4am and we had a day of silly barking. I barked at the fence loads, but I can't hear the doggie next door so I just bark for form. I also barked at ging when she unload the wood delivery and randomly barked thought the day. Barked for my tea and to go in the garden then to come in it was exciting. Moo the dog with a beautiful voice.
Annie - what did you do? I don't like being poorly or having ouchies...never had an ouchie paw yet...
Holly that is not nice at all. I had a bath too today after the beach. I love the beach especialy all the seaweed and fish. I smelled devine I thought, but apperantly not... Moo are you sure you don't live next to me? Dog next door barks everytime she comes out into the garden. It is really annoyung when I am relaxing....