we have now had her two weeks. Went to the vets today as the runs have still not passed by. So she now on antibiotics and a paste to thicken it up. Esme be happy as she got to be on boiled chicken for 5 days. I’m still struggling my other half said I don’t love her. Kids make more mess etc he said. That’s not true I said I find it easier with kids maybe as I’m maternal. It’s all new to me and having to clean up diarrhoea since Monday has taken its toll on me. But I’ve been worried more than anything. I do love Esme. She is family. Least other half off work now till new year which is a help to me. As he works away a lot. Training is going well. She sits now. Learning paw and now we trying to teach stay which she seems to have clicked onto ok. Be going to puppy training classes in jan to help with the socialisation She be getting some kongs for Xmas. She loves her kong teddy. I have so much to sort, washing as all I seem to be washing is blankets and vet beds as she has accidents on them with her mess. Which she can’t help. Uni assignment. Not feeling too well myself, Xmas presents to wrap. Other half not very good at that. More shopping anyway just wanted to check in and say hi
Don't be disheartened, you have a lot to deal with at the moment especially with poor Esme being ill. It is not the best start for you both but things will get so much better as she gets older. There are lots of phases that puppies go through though so be prepared for different challenges along the way, there is lots of information on this forum to search. It sounds like Esme is doing well otherwise, I hope you both enjoy puppy classes.
It’s a challenging enough time of year even without an unwell puppy to deal with. I always find that I’m pretty stuffed by Christmas... Hopefully your partner will now be enthusiastically taking on his share of the poo cleaning and washing duties...! Just try to hang in there... Esme will get better and the rush of Christmas will pass. Hope you get to enjoy Christmas Day and then have a bit of time to just relax afterwards. If the chicken and rice helps Esme’s tummy just stick to that until you’ve got some time and mental space to go back to a more varied diet.
Oh gosh, hang in there, it's very difficult with an unwell puppy and all of the Christmas stress as well... Sending you hugs and reassurance that things will get better X
Hopefully your OH will help out a bit which will ease the stress for you. Christmas is a very stressful time, without having a poorly pup. My girl was on boiled chicken and stodgy rice for about 2 months because she has constant diorrhea. Just keep her on it until after Christmas when you have a bit less stress.
I hope the antibiotics sort Esme out soon. It's understandable that you feel a bit down - you obviously do love her, but are getting exhausted. The worry of her being unwell, together with all the clearing up and washing, has come at the wrong time when there's so much to do for Christmas too. It will get better!
Just do what you have too and don't try and be Superwoman. Things will get better, Esme is still a baby. Give your OH the shopping list and let him get on doing it. Things don't have to be perfect at Christmas, you are only human. You are doing a great job.
I’m not very well, other half been a superstar, he up this morning at crack of dawn while I have a lie in to get better. Cooking the chicken for Esme. I had a sleep in the day yesterday. I really got to crack on with my uni assignment. I got Xmas cards to write today, wrap some gifts as seeing family tomorrow. It’s been good having help with Esme, taken pressure off a bit. Least she has stopped messing with the tree for now.
Personally, I'd give the cards a miss this year. Just send a mass email explaining you've been ill. People will understand. Be kind to yourself and try to reduce the load wherever possible. X
Oh poor you and Esme how miserable I agree with @Karen, give the cards a miss and cut back on the not so important things because it doesn't matter. Getting yourself and Esme better is your priority. I'm glad your OH is being supportive so things will seem much better especially after some rest. As women/Mums we always wear our knickers over our tights and it's exhausting Wishing you both a speedy recovery and a lovely Christmas xx
Really made me smile all your replies. Esme is loving the chicken. Currently asleep on other half lap.