Id wee on him kitties don't like water and they like Willy water even less. Guve him a quick squirt and watch him run. Rory
Oh sausage Bramble has the Ormoans, it's terrible! She thinks a purple dinosor is a puppy. She has now got my sausage monkey too... I was told off for suggesting I velcro purple dinosor to the railway lines. I thought it was a sausage good idea! Casper You are welcome
Ormoans is terrible Casper when ging has them shes mental and makes me go on xtra long walks and marches about really fast. Good job she doesn't have any dinosaurs she probably get grumpy about them too. Keep your head down mate do as you told and say yes dear that's what beardy says to ormoan crazy ging
Ging wouldn't feed me with a spoon tonight she ptetened to do the dishes instead. Not happy! she will pay! oh she will pay. I eat off a spoon ging a spoon Moo the Iover of correct cutlery
Someone played a TRICK on me today and it wasn't funny. I was having a great walk with my friend Bramble who lives with his hoomans somewhere called the Zummazetlevvells, anyway it is really good cos there is lots of water and there was this nice sort of riverry-pondy thing, and I couldn't quite get down to it, but I saw a bridge going across it, and under the bridge there was a bright green grassy patch that was right down on the water, so I thought I'd go down there and so I ran ran ran to the bridge and I ran ran onto the bridge and then I jumped jumped down onto the nice grassy patch BUT SOMEONE TOOK IT AWAY AT THE LAST MINUTE AND I WENT SPLOOSH RIGHT OVER MY HEAD IN THE RIVERRY-PONDY THING! I like swimming but that was a shock, I can tell you, and UnkelAlan had to pull me out by my collar and that was NOT dignified. I think that was a really nasty trick. And mum didn't help, she was just laughing and saying ohsillyPongothatwasn'tgrassitwasjustpondweed. Which makes no sense at all.
Daddy Hooman tort me to ‘go dead’ when I was little - he said it is a paarti trick whatever that is. Well now he’s tort the puppy Red to ‘go dead’ and she rolls on her back ever so neat like. I lie on my side but I keep my tail wagging so it shows I am not dead. When Mumsie comes in with our deeliichus kongs, Daddy Hooman says ‘go dead’ and we do!!! She says ‘poor dogs’ but we like keeping Daddy Hooman amoosed (little things ). Sky
Great day today. Dad took me for a nice muddy walk this morning then mum and dad took me to herefud. We went shopping and lots of people told me I was beautiful, which is true becos I am beautiful. I nearly slipped into the cheese shop behind mum but had to wait outside with dad. The cheese smells were WONDERFUL every time the door opened.
My Daddy is pooowly , Mummy says he has man flu and an upset tummy, he is a growch . Mummy got fed up and so she took me for a muddy walk as well Holly but it wasn't near a cheese shop , just in the woods and I got filfy again and has another sink . Daddy is still in his dressing gown and feels sorry for himself so I`ve been to sit on his nee cos Mummy wont , Nelly x
I found a hot water bottle it was fab I ate some of it. It was in a bush on the park. Ging is sick too but she isn't sleepy she marched round the park today. We had fun anyway Rory
I had a nice roll in some fox poo today. dad said i was going to have to sleep in the shed becoz I'm so stinky. When we got home mum and dad washed it off with some speshul shampoo. Dad said i smelled like a french tart, and mum asked how he knew what a french tart smelled like. i think dad might be with me in the shed tonite.
I was rolling fur almozt 5 human minz on the beach on a stinkee but I was trikked. Kept getting my ball chukked in the wayvz and I just smell of see and saltinezz now Pantz! Lilly x