Hi, I am new here. I registered because I wanted to get peoples opinions on this sore that my Bella has gotten. This is the 2nd time she's gotten a big sore like this on her snout. She's about 5 years old and the first time was about 2 years ago. That one went away after maybe 2 weeks. This one seems to be doing the same thing. But it looks kinda nasty... Anyone have any experience with this? Its not a canine form of herpes or anything is it? [/URL][/IMG]
Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry, I don't know about this, but it does look sore, poor girl. What does your vet say?
It does look very sore. Have you been to the vets? If not I recommend you do as it looks like it could really irratate her.
I think you might be right, but... those pics were taken on Sept 5th and it is about 90% healed up now. Do you think the vet can diagnose it by my pictures or would he need it active and oozy to maybe take a skin sample or culture? What I mean is... is it too late for the vet or would the pics be enough...
I wonder if it's an sliver of something, or a sting? BEcause it looks like there is a hole on the under side where something might have entered? Then it might have swollen enough to pop the sliver or stinger out? Just the angle of view and how it looks on my moniter? Me, if It's nearly healed I wouldn't Vet now. No idea if they could do anything or not, or how thye'd make a determination. But another one I think I'd go right away.
It turns out its Canine Herpes. YIKES!!! From what I have read, its not transferable from dog to human. And there is actually nothing that can be done about it... in terms of curing it.
Always best to go straight to the vet when any lumps first appear. Especially any lump that has changed in any way. Glad that in this instance it’s just a lumpy virus!