I saw this on Facebook and thought of you lot. I normally hate these, but this one appealed. My lot are: Even the score with vacuums and without whining. Seek revenge on vacuums and without whining. Stay away from balls everyday.
Mine are: Lick more ball until Santa Paws visits Even the score with balls and certainly not laugh about it afterwards
Coco SHOULD be sniffing interesting vacuums on days that end with a Y. In reality, he will be biting and killing them - sniffing is not in his armoury when it comes to vacuums
Don't freak out about rabbits for at least a week! If this had been 10 days later would have been do not not freak out about fluffy butts!
Axel- Chase less cats when I can be bothered Odie- tolerate silly butterflies for at least a week Gizmo (he acts like a dog)- slobber less on strangers on days that end in ‘y’
Bramble: Stop barking at cats for a week... Benson: Stop barking at butterflies until my birthday... Casper: Sniff interesting birds unless they outrun me... and our houseguest..who can guess his name??? Stop barking at butterflies unless they outrun me... Oh and let's not forget Remy our honorary forum labracat Not freak out about hats until SantaPaws visits... I could add the names of about 50 chickens and 13 ducks but might be here for some time...
Be nicer to rabbits unless they outrun me. Not sure about this one. We rarely see rabbits (only once in Richmond Park when he was younger) and although surprising as Homer can out run almost anything except a geyhound the rabbits did out run him back to their rabbit holes. I've no idea what he would have done if he caught one, but by what he can do to a stuffed toy in minutes, if he cought a rabbit it would not be a pretty picture.
Oban is going to tolerate silly postmen till his birthday. That will be hard as our mail is deposited in our box across the street and there are three different delivery people and they all stay in their car and just drive down the road. I don't think Oban knows there is such a thing as a postman/lady. It didn't work out for his name and age but my sister's dog did take his revenge on the vacumm. He pee'd on it and shorted it out. Sis had to get new parts for it's engine.
Simba will even the score with butterflies every day.... Could be tricky as it will be a loonngg time before we see a butterfly around here!
Annie ...chase cats for at least a week ...I better tell Ted Fred.. Play with vacuums unless necessary