Hi Tammy. I can't see your photos, did you try to upload directly to the forum? You can directly upload to the forum if you have subscribed to the "forum supporters" scheme Information here regarding upgrading your forum account https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/new-forum-account-upgrades.13588/ Or have a look in the technical section to read various ways of uploading your photos through 3rd party web hosting sites such as flickr. https://thelabradorforum.com/forums/technical-help.18/ Look forward to seeing your puppy photos!
Hi Tammy, I edited your links to make the pictures display, but a word of warning : as much as I can see the photos at the moment, Photobucket changed their policy to forbid embedding photos from there into forums unless you pay an extortionate amount, so these photos might disappear at any point. We recommend using Imgur or Flickr (I'm sure there are others that work, too) for hosting photos for the forum. Luna is very cute
Awwww she's so cute! And that pile of puppers! And the big dog/little dog photo! Lab pups really are exceptionally cute.