There you go! Blame the weather and forget all about it... I can only describe monty as a prancing pony in high winds, side stepping, head tossing about, laughing, bowing, play growl... having the most fun you can possibly imagine whilst making you look like he's never done a day's training in his life.
Well, Pig College was quite disasterous from start to finish, the Pig was completely overexcited about being in this new place, and was barking at me, jumping up, whining, then did the obligatory bed-humping with extra-special vigour the class was much more focused on precise positions, which I have never really trained (e.g. we were criticised after a recall for her coming in and sitting slightly at an angle to me, whereas I was just pleased she had recalled!). But I guess that’s the reason I am going, to learn new things. I am hoping next week she will be a bit calmer!
IIRC, at that age I had a sudden and quite dramatic blip with Shadow. He started running off after stuff. I got quite upset about it, because he was ignoring recalls in all sorts of situations and just generally being a dick (that was my technical assessment). I knuckled down and worked on this, of course, but when he hit three years, he seemed to suddenly grow up and it all fell back into place again. Obviously I'm not saying you should sit back and rely on that happening, but just know you're not alone. Sometimes you get a rough patch, but it all comes together again
Oh I hope so! Yes, I would say she is being a bit of a dick at the moment. Evil twin Indie Pindie has come out with a vengeance! I’ll knuckle down too and hopefully work through it. With long line firmly attached at all times.
Ella is sulking because we haven't taken her for a walk yet today. What she doesn't realise is that she's relaxing in an air conditioned 20 degree house while it's 40 degrees outside! I feel like shoving her out the back door for 30 seconds to show her how bloomin' lucky she is!
Whilst Vanilla was happily sitting in the back garden in the 40 and I could not get her back. So up went the brolly to keep her out of the shade. Silly muppet
Worst part about having a dog is having to leave him We're on our way to London for the weekend but this will only be the second time I've been away from him overnight in the past 12 months. I know he'll be fine, he's with my mam and dad and will be on the couch getting told how gorgeous he is and hand fed chicken no doubt. But I still worry
Ugh 40 degrees, that's just obscene. Xena tries the same funny business with me, though. Brings me her soccer ball while it's 26 degrees outside and the lawn's in full sun. Nice try, dog, ain't happening until evening. In saying that, right now it's 13 degrees out, brrr.
Enjoy your weekend in London, Jen. Are you going to see a show? Stanley will love his weekend with the grandparents
We're going to do the Harry Potter studio tour and a bit of sightseeing. It was my Xmas prezzie from OH. It's a test because we want to go to New York for our 30ths this year. (My birthday is 1st Dec and OH's is 2nd Dec) so if I can be away from Stanley without getting upset then OH said we can go. Otherwise he won't book it and we can just go somewhere with Stanners.
30 in December! You're sooooooooooooo young! (I'm 30 in Feb ). We just left Ella with my parent for a week while we were in Perth visiting my brother and his family. Ella had daily walks, runs through the vines, swims in the dams and they bought her a selection of raw meats and meaty bones for the week. I was worried that she wouldn't want to come home!
It's amazing what you get used to. Tomorrow will be 26 and we're planning a family day out in the fresh air now that the weather will be cooler
Had a funny day took Rory to a new vet. He was fine but when the vet said "Rory please" he barked his head off and scared the vet. I calmed him smiled and told the vet he liked to shout when he was worried. We weighed him and he relaxed and then he spent the rest of the consult swooning over her and leaning on her and snuggling up to her. She thought he was lovely by the end of seeing him.she could see what a sensitive chap he can be and that he's just a big loud scared pup. She helped by giving him treats and making it a good experience for him. I took him out for his walk then came back and took Moo out. She was attacked twice by the ugliest fattest potbellied pig cross dog cross coffee table bad tempered vile did I say ugly ugly freak of nature bull dog genetic experiment gone wrong. This vile brick of flesh charged Moo twice and bit her face twice. She didn't see it coming as it canter wheezing at her. The owner called it and it just tried to get my deaf half blind daring. Moos not daft she ducked and weaved and let me get rid of the Frankenstein freak. When I turned back from my were bear form after blocking it's path and screaming at it I had a few words with the owner I checked she was OK and we carried on. As I was leaving the park the owner saw me coming and ran to his car got the dog in and rushed squeeling wheels out of the carpark. My friend saw this and was giggling her head off at me she could see how annoyed I was and couldn't stop laughing at the bloke running off. He knew I'd report him if I got his reg obviously it's happened before nasty dogs don't change their spots. The dog had also attacked my friends dogs the day before in exactly the same way. Oh I'll get his reg number tomorrow. Oh yes I will. Rory limping now he's hurt his leg I didnt see that coming. Poor pup.
If anybody's going to track down that rego number it's you, swampy! I hope Moo's ok after that little fiasco.