How long does your puppy go through the night?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Coa, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. Coa

    Coa Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2017
    Hi Everyone,

    We have a now six and a half month old labrador puppy, I'm just wondering how long other people puppies of a similar age go through the night?

    He takes himself outside for a 'last wee' at 9 o'clock most nights before settling in for a sleep. When we go to bed at 10-10.30 we turf him out again but it is a struggle! He is fast asleep and warm and comfy and does not want to get up to go for a wee! He then sleeps until 7am just fine.

    I'm just wondering about stopping kicking him out for another wee and letting the 9pm one be his last one? But he is very good with his house training and I don't want to make him go through the night longer if he is going to be bursting!

    I appreciate all your advice! Thank you
    EmmaHughes likes this.
  2. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Try not taking him out at 10:30 and see if he needs to get up before 7:00 I bet not, but you just have to try and see. We have a dog door at our home, so it is never an issue at home. At our cabin we have to let them out. We normally let them out before we go to bed and then when ever we get up. On work days it is early but off days maybe as late as 10:00 am.
  3. blaser1975

    blaser1975 Registered Users

    Nov 13, 2017
    Hi I don't know how but my little 9 week old lab is now going through the night from around 10pm to 6am she has the odd accident in the house when she gets very excited but for the most part she cry's at the back door to be let out even though we have puppy pads in crate and near the back door I've had labs over the years and she is the 1st to got through the night at that age
    Quirkybee likes this.
  4. Rdbrya1

    Rdbrya1 Registered Users

    Nov 11, 2017
    My lab puppy is 14 weeks and we have almost the identical schedule as you. We take him out at 9pm before my husband and kids get in bed. I usually stay up until around 10:30pm so I always take him out again but it's like pulling teeth to drag him out the kennel lol...he is just so cozy and warm. One time I did not wake up him after 9pm and he still slept til 6am (it was a weekday so we were up for work). I'm betting he would still sleep until 7am if you tried it.
    Quirkybee and EmmaHughes like this.
  5. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    The only way you will know is by trying and seeing. My girl was and is a good sleeper and would go from 10pm til 8am from about 12 weeks old. By the time she was 6 months she would often (and still does) go from 9pm until around 10am.
    Quirkybee and selina27 like this.
  6. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    Hi @Coa I've never let my pups have free access to the outside regardless of age. I would prevent his access for the 9:00pm toilet trip and look to push him back closer to 10:00pm for a last toilet trip and then let him settle for the night. As he is 6.5 months old the extra time should be achieved without much fuss, particularly if you make sure that he goes after his dinner. Once he has one toilet trip at 10:00pm it will be easy to leave to closer to 10:30pm or later depending upon your own schedule.
  7. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Hi @Coa my boy slept right through the night from when he first came home at 8 weeks old - he had never needed a night time outing. Our routine can be a bit erratic due to my job, however my OH will usually give Bailey his last walk at around 10pm/10.30pm as that is just before we go to bed (if I am not working that night), then Bailey will sleep through until 8am or sometimes 9am (again depending when we need to be out of the house). If the weather is really horrid and wet Bailey will refuse to go outside (he will not pee or poop in the back garden at all) and he has gone from 8pm until 8.30am when he got his first walk of the day (he had access to the garden as soon as he got up but he didn't go).

    They all seem very different, my sisters boy who is 10 weeks older than my boy (he's just turned two and my boy will turn two if February), still wants a wee at 4.30am every day :eek: - we discovered this at Christmas as we were all at my mum's house - when my BIL came into our room at 4.30am to take Bailey out too, Bailey just looked at him, snorted and turned over and went back to sleep :D
  8. Snowy

    Snowy Registered Users

    May 2, 2017
    Last wee around 21:00.
    3-4 wees and 1 poo at around 05:00.

    Has been on the same schedule from about 3 months to today (9 months).
  9. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    My 8 month old goes out for his last wee about 10 and then gets crated again until 8am.
  10. Vicci

    Vicci Registered Users

    Nov 3, 2017
    Bagheera goes out at about 8ish for.his last wee/poo and then goes to bed about 11 I was letting him out just before bed but he didn't want to go so didn't make him and
    He gets up about 6.30/7
  11. Katrina Johnston

    Katrina Johnston Registered Users

    Oct 3, 2017
    Hi @Coa ,

    Just over the Christmas holidays I’ve started doing just what you suggest with my Rufus (almost 7 months) I had previously been taking him out for a wee at 10:30/11pm, but he was really snoozy then kind of wide awake when we came back in. I had previously been taking him for a short 10 min walk around the block at 8pm, but have shifted this a bit later to 9pm. We tried making this his last wee and he’s totally fine until 6.30am...even 7.30am.

    Worth a try x
  12. Nibbler's Mum

    Nibbler's Mum Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2017
    Fife , Scotland
    Nibbler - 9months - last pee somewhere between 10 and 11 - has been not needing out until 8.30 during holidays and it is us that have got him up then .
  13. Me and my dog

    Me and my dog Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2014
    New Zealand
    Just to add to this....when is your puppy's last meal at night?
  14. jshore

    jshore Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2018
    Okay, this is disheartening to read and this is our third Lab. Our 11-week old girl is on an odd routine. We try to get her to crate at 11:00 pm, but if one of us is up working kateX we will let her out again at 1:00 am and she can go until 5:30 am. If not, she seems to cry pretty loudly just a few times at exactly 4:38 am. I wonder if this is her routine or what?! If I feed her a little and return to crate, she will go until 7:00 sharp. Of course this has thrown off all of our sleep and I think even upset our other five-year old Lab girl. I wonder if I should try to ignore her middle of the night plea? During the day, she has gone five hours with no issues. I’ve heard they can really only hold their per one hour per month they are old. However, I just spoke with our Vet today and she wondered if we had removed water two hours before bed and we had not done that. I forgot about that. So we are trying this tonight and beyond. I’m a little off kilter from all of this.
    EmmaHughes likes this.
  15. SimoneB

    SimoneB Registered Users

    Dec 16, 2017
    Our Caspar is now able to hold everything in at night for 7-7.5 hours at 10 weeks. He is in a locked crate at night. He has his last meal between 6 and 6.30 and I take his water away after he has had a drink after dinner - if I remember. That is mainly because if it is still there in the morning he has the tendency to upset it whilst prancing around trying to get me to feed him. He has to be taken out asleep for his last wee, but as soon as he detects grass under his feet he just does it, sometimes a poo as well.

    He was waking once in the night to be taken out until last week. Once he did not wee or poo immediately that he got outside, and had a sniff around first instead, I suspected that it may be less of a need than a want, and did not want this to become a habit, especially as it is pretty cold right now. So if I heard him I did not go straight to him to see whether he settled back to sleep. I'm all for a bit of benign neglect, and it seems to have paid off. With our last Lab we did not lock him in his crate at night but put puppy pads down. He never cried at night, but was not clean until 16 weeks or so.
    Quirkybee likes this.
  16. Jules67

    Jules67 Registered Users

    Sep 25, 2017
    Alfie who is 13 weeks goes potty at 11.30 ish and crated until 7 am .
  17. zarathu

    zarathu Guest

    Our 9 week pup has the last food at 5:00 PM, and water is pulled at 8:00 PM(after giving him the opportunity to drink). He goes to bed when I do about 12, and sleeps till about 7 AM.
  18. Quirkybee

    Quirkybee Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2018
    Hi everyone
    We have a nearly 11 week old black lab. During the week we tend to go to bed around 10 ish, so he has his last wee at the same time.
    He then retires to his crate with the door closed and we don't hear from him until we are up for work next day, around 7am.

    Initially, when we had him on the 22 December, I got up around 12am, then 4am to let him out. He wasn't crying at this point, but was awake when I went down. Did this for 3 to 4 nights, then gradually about a week and half ago, I didn't go down at all.

    As far as your question is concerned, I'd forget the 9pm toilet break, unless he or she needs to go and stretch it out until you are ready to retire to bed.

    Loving everyone's experiences with their labs x
  19. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    They are all different! My Luna is 14 MONTHS and still sometimes needs to go out in the night. She went out at 11:30pm but needed to go again at 6:30am. Not that 6:30 is exactly “night”, but it feels it when my alarm is set for 7:30 :D
    There’s no point basing our expectations on any other dog. If we do that, we go crazy. Sleep deprived is one thing. Sleep deprived and crazy is quite another ;)

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