I've just signed up to watch this free webinar by Karolina Westlund, who is an ethologist and animal behaviour consultant. I've not seen any of her presentations before so can't recommend it per se, but she's well published, so it might be interesting. https://illis.se/en/webinar-animal-training-2018/
I missed the first half (I made a mistake converting CE time to UK time, and suddenly realised - doh!) I came in just before the ostriches. The 30 minutes I heard we’re well-presented, clear and organised ( much easier to listen to than Absolute Dogs) but I didn’t think I learnt anything new. They said they will email a link for a replay so if they do I’ll listen to the first half. At the end she was promoting her (expensive) on-line course.
I'm ten minutes in and bored already It seems good for foundations, so for people new to operant conditioning, but so far it's really basic.