Pup is nearly 18 weeks, fit and well but looks SO sad when we go to put the harness on for a walk.. even tried to run away and hide! But only until we’re out of the driveway and 2-3 minutes into the walk seems happy (sniffing, wagging and some pulling!) but we can’t figure out why she’s so reluctant. We try to be upbeat and positive but she looks scared! Is this normal - what can we do to help?
My Cassie doesn't like her harness going on either .. I have to put her collar on and pop it over her head sneakily or she will run away. At 21 months she hardly wears it though because her lead walking is so much better. I think quite a few don't like it going on. I tried all the luring and acclimatising ideas but nothing made her feel any better, but once it's on like yours, she seems fine. I always feel a bit mean ! Hope this helps.
Certainly sounds like an aversion to the harness. Lots of reward before and during the process if putting it on. Pop it on before mealtimes and then remove it. Just hold it in your hand, pop it on the floor or drape across your knee and reward if she comes near or touches as you want to build as positive a response as possible and really tasty treats can help.
Have you spent time desensitising her to the harness? She may not feel comfortable having it on, but needs to see it as a good thing. Lots of treats for looking at it, letting it touch her, putting it on but not do it up etc. This will take several sessions because you need to go slowly.
That sounds familiar. Bailey is 17 weeks old, I don’t think it’s the harness that’s the problem. I think if it’s cold, wet, windy she’s not so keen on the idea. She’s the same as your pup, once out she’s loving it. Sometimes when I put my coat on, she goes and hides in her crate!! I think it’s just a puppy thing and I’m sure one day the work ‘walkies’ will get her very excited.....just not a the moment!
None of my dogs like their harnesses, despite very careful introductions and desensitisation. They all do what your pup does and slink off to try to avoid it going on, and look miserable once it is on, but they're fine once we're out and about. To be honest, as much as I try to make it as rewarding as possible, I also see it as a necessary evil while they're learning to walk nicely. I focus as much as I can on good walking manners so it's not necessary for long. Since being back in Andorra since just before Christmas, my youngster has had to wear a harness because she's been really excited by the snow, people and other dogs (very different to where we've been living in the back and beyond in Spain over the summer) and I won't compromise on the health of her throat. But with lots of focussed work on her loose leash walking, she's had her first walk this morning without it and didn't pull once. I'll use it again if I know I'm going to put her in situations where she's more likely to pull or lunge until I'm happy that she's safe in that environment, too, but for the most part, I try to get the dogs out of them as soon as is safe because they just don't like them.
Same here, Maisy slinks off when she hears the harness cupboard open and when I manage to get it on she stands perfectly still looking completely deflated and won't move until I have attached the lead. I have two different harnesses and she reacts the same, even though we did a lot of desensitising etc. Once she is out she is fine and when she learns not to pull toward other dogs 100% I will stop using it.
Working on getting my Ruby into her harness. She is 13 weeks old and I've been putting it on/ taking it off a few times a day with treats. She like to snatch it and run off with it like it's a game. Once it's on she seems comfortable and doesn't fight it. Wanders off and sits/rests. I haven't taken her for a walk in it yet, but she is keeping it on for 5-10 mins at a time now. We'll go out for our first harnessed walk around the yard this weekend. Then slowly expand our range to the neighborhood. I've been using a show lead to get her used to following leash pressure, but she generally doesn't like going for walks. I'm using a 30ft training lead to walk around at the park to let her explore and then just reel her in when I need her on the short leash. Loves to fetch so I occasionally throw a retrieving dummy around while exploring.