I don't know what a phessie is I've never seen one. We have rabbits near us but I have a brother rabbit and I had a sister rabbit so you don't eat them. I eat their poops though! Stanley
Mum says Im very norty becos I ran off today. The smell just called to me so I went to eat it. When i'd finished I couldnt see mum, which was very worrying. It was ages until i found her ans was very pleased to see her, but she was cross. I dont understand peeple.
Been very strange recently at home. I have been getting long walks in the mornings, then daddy has been at home. But no play with me, he is on that silly tappy thing. Anyhow we went to the my favorite pet store yesterday. Like we only go there on a Saturday but we went yesterday. Anyhow I got a Sausage by the nice lady and daddy bought some things. Stanley - I have a bunny too at home, I got him after we had been to the pet store. He does not taste very nice, but I have pulled his whiskers off, some of his fur and nearly his ears...I think that is right cause he just lies and stares at me... Went for a walk this morning and mummy came too, very strange. Apperantly she is on a fitness and diet regime. Well I don't like diet's so stay away from me. Don't know what fitness regime is, but if mummy comes for walks with us then that is a good thing right? Daddy gone to work and mummy is reading a book. Time for a nap then....it is going to be to hot to do anything...
I met a few friends when I went for a walk with mum this morning. I only liked two of them though. The other one was too noisy, kept barking at me all the time, yappy little thing! Mum let me play with them for a bit but then she said 'Time to go home Bowie!'. Mum's such a party pooper! She tried to call me a few times and even pretended to say Goodbye to me, but I knew she wouldn't leave me. I tried to buy some more time but she lured me with one of those tasty Strasburg and put my leash on. Ah well... I'm sure I'll see... ohh.. what's that funky smell!! Bowie x
This morning there was loads and loads of snow. It was brilliant. I jumped and I skidded and I turned loads of it yellow. Then mummy said Stanley it's time to come in now and I said no fanks. So mummy said Stanley come on I have to go to work and I said no fanks. So then she said daddy will play in the snow with you later and I said no fanks. So she said Stanley do you want your breakfast. And I forgotted all about the snow now I'm in my bed and waiting for daddy. I hope there's still snow when he gets up. Stanley
Oh, Stanley, snow is the BEST! I love to go todoggonning in the snow and get myself covered. I stick my head and shoulder down then I runrunRUN until I am scooting along on my side. And when Mum does the pip pip pip noise, I charge to her but I grab mouthfuls of snow as I run and sometimes I land on my head. SO. MUCH. FUN!!!!! I didn't have to wear my horrible harniss this morning. Mum said I'm a GoodGirlSquidge and so I could go out with just my pretty collar. I love my collar. I hate my harniss. I hope I can stay as GoodGirlSquidge so I don't need it anymore. I even pretended to ignore Judee who is an old lady Goldie Treever even though I reely wanted to jump on her head. GoodGirlSquidge!
Mum has bought me a harniss - at the moment we are pracktissing with it (pparently) so I only have to wear it for a few moments. Stanley I like doing roly polys in the snow, specially with my lead on so I get all tangled up . Ripple
Today I am mostly being magnificent , and sleepy too, cos its raining and cold , whats snow ?? Snow sounds like fun , wish we had sum here but its just raining and raining and raining , so I`m under a blankie and here I shall stay , Nelly x
Shadow , I`ve been out in it cos Mummy said I had to , and there was mud, lots and lots and lots of mud, it was grand , I have been sinked , Nelly x
Whoop! Whoop! We've had loads of rain & the ex-cow field was so boggy today - I had a whale of a time chasing my ball through all the mud - cow patty mud at that! There's a massive muddy puddle by the gate - I don't know if I should lie in it or not, I know you proper Labs would, but I'm undecided, my tail is rather magnificent and feathery and would look funny drenched in mud. I splash in it, like really splash, and I drink it before mum moves me on, but lie in it? IDK... - Coco
Mum took me to the PUB yesterday because I was GoodGirlSquidge. Judee Goldie Treever was there so I laid down and wagged my tail and licked her legs. She pretended to ignore me. Mum said pubs is boring at the moment cuz she's offthepop whatever that means. But we saw lots of people who all thought I was magnificent. Which I yam. I got lots of cuddles from a man who kept saying I had made his Hollyday. He didn't look anything like our Holly but maybe mens can have Hollydays too? On the way home, I had to save Mum from a terrifying snow monster. It was curled up in the road and I didn't like the look of it so I barked and barked at it. I save my barks for speshul occashuns so Mum was very surprised and must have known it was a very danjrus snow monster. Luckily, my barks scared it so much it didn't move or attack us. GoodGirlSquidge.
Puddles. Bleurgh. Pigs do not like puddles. Leave the lying-in-puddles for them proper labbydoors Coco, us nice muddle-dogs keep our bellies dry and our tails magnificent and feathery. Well my tail is stumpy and velvety actually but it still wouldn’t benefit from being puddled.
I have had a orrible day , reely orrible . This man rocked up this morning with ladder fings and paint and he moved all the furnicher , including MY BED and then he covered the place in old sheets and he was painting the ceelings, so there was no wear for me to lie down, its not on at all . Mummy took me to anties over the road but she hasn't got carpits , so I had to lie on the hard flore . I was just about fed up , but then the man had finished and put the furnicher back , fank goodness for that but Mummy says she is putting paper on the walls tomorrow , whats that about ? Nelly xxx