The costachondis is so bad I can hardly breath or move or use my right arm so I need more pain relief which I got so hopefully everything will be a bit better. I had to take my emergency morphine last night so they knew they had to find something to help. It's been hell but hopefully things will improve now. So awful I just can't explain. Upside was I couldn't sleep so at least i could look after Moo
Honestly @SwampDonkey you are rock hard! I am in complete awe of you and aspire to be able to take things in my stride the way you do. Thinking of you & Moo xx
Like everyone else I think, I worry about you both. Always slightly dread seeing a post go up on this thread. Keep strong both of you x
Ooooo she wouldn't eat her brekkie. She couldn't possibly eat the food she liked yesterday. I clearly trying to poison her she won't accept renal diet in the mornings so she's been having forthglades. This is now pants however I hold the fork. so she had it for her lunch laced with finally shaved beef and garlic sausage that's yum apparently. For her tea she had renal diet chunks smeared with a thin layer of salmon spread tiny teenly layer thats extra yum to Moos. It's getting like master chef in here. What creations will my despotic doggy master demand next? A very humble monkey butler who knows her place
She did try to eat some dog poo whilst we were walking in the park. She's not fussy about some things
On behalf of Moo, I think we can all assume that she would be MIGHTILY pleased with her monkey butler if she sourced some lovely poo to add to her renal biscuits.
She has no teeth so a soft diet is essential. She told me to say that she's eating well again and has a lot to say for herself at 4 am.weeing and drinking a lot more but still giving her toy boy a seeing too in savage mooie way. She seems content and enjoying having different foods with nice toppings everyday. Today for brekkie she's had some tinned collards duck wet food and liked it. I've given up feeding renal diet in the mornings as she just can't face it. Her leg is worse and so is the throat thing even beardy has noticed her strange cough is worse. She's still silly jolly and stroppy though so on we go.
I just liked this, but in retrospect, thinking fluid retention can cause weight gain and that could be renal or cardiac (cough?). Hope it's neither, and I know that she has been at your vet recently. Bless her cotton socks.