Can Lab puppies get LP? Laryngeal Paralysis

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by cdwarrior, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. cdwarrior

    cdwarrior Registered Users

    Dec 25, 2017
    I know labs are prone to Laryngeal Paralysis as they age. But doing some Google searching I can't find anything about the rate of LP in lab puppies. My 4 month old recently developed a cough. We took her to the vet and the vet thinks she just has "kennel cough" from going to puppy daycare. I'd normally not worry except the way she coughs concerns me. Our previous lab had LP when she got old so I'm familiar with all the signs and symptoms. Our old gal would cough, then gag like she was going to puke, then swallow a lot. Our puppy's cough also includes the gagging, which is why it's concerning me. I don't recall the gagging part when our previous girl just got kennel cough when young. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but after watching our previous lab suffer from LP for years, I'm just so scared of having another lab develop it, especially so young! She's just a baby! :(
  2. Anne123

    Anne123 Registered Users

    Feb 27, 2014
    The Netherlands
    I think you stick to the diagnosis of the vet. Kennel cough is rather unpleasant to hear. Try to give him a bit of honey to sooth his throat!
  3. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    I don’t know about LP. But my dog had kennel cough at 1.5 yo and he vomited every time he coughed - for TWO days!!!!! I felt so sorry for him. We called our bedroom The Vomitorium.

    I hope your dog doesn’t have LP. I assume you use a harness rather than a collar to protect her neck and internal structures?
  4. cdwarrior

    cdwarrior Registered Users

    Dec 25, 2017
    Yes, we use a harness. She has not yet learned to walk nicely on a leash and constantly pulls and lunges. So we decided a harness is safer.
    MF likes this.
  5. Inky lab

    Inky lab Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2017
    My dog recently had kennel cough, it sounded like a cross between whooping cough and croup and he too brought frothy sputum up all night -horrible. All better now
  6. cdwarrior

    cdwarrior Registered Users

    Dec 25, 2017
    How long did it take for your dog to get over it?
  7. Inky lab

    Inky lab Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2017
    I took him to the vet in the morning and they put him on antibiotics as a precaution as he has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. He'd stopped making the horrible noise most of the time within about 24hours, took a few days to go completely. I gave him a spoon of honey to lick as suggested here and after a suspicious sniff he liked that, what a surprise! Don't know if it did any good but made me feel better.
  8. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Having had a dog with LP and dogs with kennel cough they do look similar. Pups with kennel cough do vomit frothy foam. L.p. is something older dogs get due to physical deterioration , it would be very unusual for a pup to get it. Some dogs recover slowly from kennel cough I've known dogs which have it for weeks in very acute cases. If you are concerned I would speak to you vet again. Hopefully she is feeling better soon.
    we had kennel cough a lot around here last year and my young dog got it. My 13 year old and the 14 years old guest didn't. He did the usually cough and sick up foam but his cough lasted a few days
  9. Anne123

    Anne123 Registered Users

    Feb 27, 2014
    The Netherlands
    How do you know he has Ehlers Danlos Syndrom? Did the vet make the diagnosis, and how? Can you see this already at this age?
  10. Inky lab

    Inky lab Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2017
    Yes, he had a skin sample sent for analysis. I did post about it to see if anyone else had experience of it in labs. My vet hasn't seen it in 30 years in a lab so Inky is unlucky.
  11. Anne123

    Anne123 Registered Users

    Feb 27, 2014
    The Netherlands
    Oops, I must have mist this post...! I am familiar to the humane form of EDS, so I searched it yesterday... Now I understand your worries! But I think the veterinarian form is the skin...?
  12. Fiona Noble

    Fiona Noble Registered Users

    Jan 26, 2018
    Hi can I ask how you managed the LP as our 13 year old has just been diagnosed and put on prednidol but I am struggling to find any tips for managing it apart from surgery - which isn't recommended for our girl. thanks.
  13. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    My dog was too ill for surgery due to other problems. It got easier to manage as time went by he had it for about 4 years before his death from a stroke. You learn to observe and tailor stuff to suit you dog. They as the condition progresses do collapse particularly the back end I found he would just drop. It was due to lack if oxygen. He couldn't breath properly so he wasn't getting enough O2. You learn to give them time to let the stop and rest went walking. Feeding can be tricky so I just moistened and dry kibble type good and he had nothing hard like chews which could get stuck. I had to cut out a lot of things which could be dangerous for him anything which he could inhale and not clear. He once inhaled a piece fried egg into his lung. It took hours to clear I was about to take him to the vets and he coughed it across the room. What kind of things do you need to know? It was ok he lived until he eas 14 1/2 and still went for a short walk everyday and I don't think it affected his quality of life greatly
  14. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    I also got a harness which fitted well and had a handle so I could help him if he got wobbly.
  15. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Our first Lab, Ginger, got LP when she was 14. Initially I was reluctant to do the surgery because of her age, and the fact that she was diabetic. She was in good shape, otherwise, and we did the surgery. The recovery was pretty short, and she went on with no real restrictions for her last 2 years. It was definitely worthwhile in her case.

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