Best puppy food?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Dex&debs, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. Dex&debs

    Dex&debs Registered Users

    Dec 18, 2017
    Hi everybody, my first post!
    My lab pup is 9mths old tomorrow. When I got him from the breeder he was fed on Oscars, he didn't seem overly keen on it so with the vets recommendation I did the changeover to hills science which he loves. When he reached around 4-5 mth's he started having a problem with one of his ears, a soft wax that dries a dark brown. Took him to the vets and she gave me easotic. I've used this many times in the past with my last choccy lab and I know it works well but it's not done a thing for Dexter. It clears a lot out but it keeps coming back.
    Going back to the vet at the moment is tricky as I can't drive due to broken bones in my hand. I'm sure the vet would post a tube out but as it didn't work the first time I can't see it working this time.

    I'm wondering whether it could be caused by an allergy to his food? It does not bother him in the slightest, no scratching, head shaking or anything. He's a very happy dog with far more energy than me!
    Is it worth changing his diet to see if there's an improvement, if so which dried food would people recommend?

    Thank you
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Hi Debbie and a very warm welcome to the forum.
    I'm not sure how much evidence there is for changing food for ears. This isn't an infection or an allergy??
    Do you regularly use an ear cleaner? That might help. I know after Lilly had an ear infection the vet suggested we use a cleaner regularly to stop the build up of wax which promotes infections.
    The topic of which food is best? Generally one that suits your dog, gives firm stools and suits your pocket!
  3. Dex&debs

    Dex&debs Registered Users

    Dec 18, 2017
    Thank you Jac, I must admit I've not tried an ear cleaner. I've used ear wet wipes but that just cleans the wax off it's not solving the problem. I've just looked online and pets at home do the virbac cleaner which is the same make as the steroid cream he had. I will order that tonight and give it a go for a couple of weeks and if no improvement I will be able to take him to the vets by then.
    I'll leave off the food change for now. I've done my head in googling food reviews tonight. He has got a lovely coat and firm stools.
    Thanks for the advice.
    drjs@5 likes this.
  4. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    Hi Debs, welcome to the Forum from me too.
    I believe diet can have an influence on ear problems, it got mentioned in another post recently but I can't remember which one, but I think it was @Beanwood who brought up the topic then and provided some research.
    Haha, yes it's a total minefield!
    I changed Cassie's food a few months ago, my only advice would be to be sure why you want to change and therefore what you are looking for in a food. As it turns out, the food I chose, which is Burns, has done exactly what it says it will, for Cassie, so it's been successful. My reason was to cut out e numbers, but it's true to say she no longer farts all the time, or is in discomfort with anal glands, nor indeed do her ears smell or appear to be a problem for her, which has been the case in the past but I never thought it was her food, but it may have been. The only thing is it's not so easy on my pocket!
  5. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Hi @Dex&debs, as has already been suggested by @drjs@5, it could be just a question of regularly cleaning your pups ears. Some dogs produce a bit more ear wax/debris than others, and if not accompanied by other symptoms, such as increased head shaking, redness of the inner ear, or a "yeasty" odour then I wouldn't be too concerned at this point, although no harm having a chat with one of the nurses at your surgery for recommendations for a good ear cleaner. If however, there are any of the symptoms suggested, then a visit to the vet would be my next move. Ears can be tricky things to get sorted, and the sooner they are treated the better.

    A dog with an intolerance to a certain diet, usually has other symptoms, such as itchiness combined with redness on exposed areas. Sometimes an odour from the ears or paws. "Hotspots", these are little sore, itchy patches on the body. Tummy upsets are also common. In these cases, the vet may then explore an elimination diet with you, as well as a good ear cleaning protocol.

    I would say there is a lot of worrying information on the internet, and tbh if you read it all would lead to anxieties whether anything is safe to feed our dogs! Dogs thrive on a good, varied diet. If you choose a good quality kibble, paying attention to the first 3 ingredients on the packet and ensuring they are clearly labelled as a good novel protein source then your pup should be fine! Don't be afraid to vary their diet though, mix it up with the odd egg, cooked veggies, sardines, or some healthy leftovers....:)
    selina27 and drjs@5 like this.
  6. Dex&debs

    Dex&debs Registered Users

    Dec 18, 2017
    Hi Selina, I have read quite a bit that the food can cause ear problems and Hills Science was mentioned. The problem only started once I changed from Oscars. I've got a couple more weeks of the bag left so I think I will try a different make while I have enough to do the changeover. I have noticed that when he has his 5 o'clock meal he can be very hyper afterwards, I'm sure that's the food. I will give it a go and see what happens.
    selina27 likes this.
  7. Dex&debs

    Dex&debs Registered Users

    Dec 18, 2017
    Thanks Beanwood, the ear cleaner should be here in a couple of days so I will give that a go everyday. His ears really don't seem to bother him at all, until I get to him and then it's like a wrestling match to keep him still. I'm going to try another kibble just in case. He did have a terrible itch all over his body when a little younger that lasted for weeks. The vet checked him over and said he was fine and he had all the flea/worming treatment. That seems to have gone now but I did wonder why he had it.
    He had sardines with his dinner tonight, he loves them. He's also crazy for carrots!
  8. kitty2001

    kitty2001 Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2018
    Our lab had terrible problems with ears, and several thousand pounds worth of investigation, medication, and ear flushes. On the advice of a lab nutritionist we changed her to a grain free diet a year ago and it literally went overnight. The vet won't commit to endorsing a grain free approach but we are clear in our minds!
  9. Dex&debs

    Dex&debs Registered Users

    Dec 18, 2017
    Thanks Kitty, I've been reading a lot about grain free and have decided to try that. Nothing lost if it doesn't work but if it does then fantastic. Really good to hear it worked for your dog.
    kitty2001 likes this.

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