Frequent weeing

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by AngW, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. AngW

    AngW Registered Users

    Jan 23, 2018
    i have a little lady lab who is 12 weeks old today. Since we got her 4 weeks ago she has always slept through without any nighttime accidents. We take her into the garden on waking, eating, drinking, if she’s sniffing, etc and invariably she will have a wee or two. We are fortunate that we are retired so are home with her all day. She took a while but does now go to the door when she wants to go outside. BUT! She has started wandering around the garden weeing what must be dribbles every few steps. I’ve stopped giving her treats when she wees now because this seemed a reason to wee or feign weeing. Sorry; are puppies that clever? However, she has now started weeing fairly frequently in the house. Small amounts and large amounts. Where on earth does it all come from. Fortunately we have wooden floors but it’s driving me to distraction. I’m worried about her. We’ve limited ourselves and her to two rooms where she has easy access to the same door that leads directly into the garden. Just to avoid any confusion if nothing else. Am I doing something wrong. Poor thing gets followed whenever she moves. She’s probably paranoid!
    We’ve been able to take her out on a lead for the first time today. I’m so hoping this will help. I’m certain there’s nothing medical or she wouldn’t be able to last all night and on the odd occasion we crate her when we go out for an hour. I’ve read we may have taken her out too often and given too much encouragement to go to the toilet and that dogs need a routine but I’m loath to ignore her whines at the door as I’m certain this will not help.
    Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
  2. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    Are you only taking her out when she whines at the door? We followed a routine for 2-3 months going out with her first thing in morning, after eating, as soon as awake from a nap, and in between those out every 20-30 minutes. We added a cue "do your business" and it really helped...our pup only sometimes whined at the door, other times just went in the kitchen up til age 6 months (most don't take this long!). We also had some setbacks when we extended the time between taking her out too long. She started peeing twice in the morning (once outside, once inside!) at 4 months or so and we started crating her for 10 minutes, then going back outside. It just takes time and patience. My dog is now two, and almost never asks to go out since we take her out more often than it becomes urgent. I think multiple pees are normal...puppies seem to pee a lot. I remember calling the vet asking about peeing a lot!
  3. Shawn M

    Shawn M Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2018
    Have her checked for a UTI, my Marley is the same age and was doing the same things, however, some of those things are symptomatic of a UTI and not just being a puppy, does she also lick herself after going potty? thats another cue there's a problem.
    Google UTI's in dogs, good luck with your new puppy.
    SwampDonkey likes this.
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Hi, yes take her to the vet straight away, sounds like a bladder infection to me.
    SwampDonkey likes this.
  5. AngW

    AngW Registered Users

    Jan 23, 2018
    Hi all. Thanks for your responses. Very helpful. No , I have to say that we don’t just take her out when she whines. As I said in my description we take her out on waking, eating, drinking etc. It’s not so much the little puddles she leaves that’s the issue; it’s more the walk four steps, squat and wee scenario that concerned me. We also have a cue, which is the same as what the breeder said to her litter. We’ve just added the word weewee or poo to the phrase already used when she performs.
    I’ve spoken to the breeder today and we are currently in agreement that our puppy is probably peeing frequently so she gets additional treats. She’s trying to please I guess too. I’d already decided to cease treats for wees as I wondered if I was ‘over-treating’. I’m monitoring her more closely. We are taking her out and about on short walks and hopefully this will help. Whilst out, she purely does a normal wee. Unlike when she’s in the garden.
    I also appreciate the comments about a UTI or bladder infection but at the moment, I truly don’t think this is the issue.
    She is well; in fact very well. She slept 9 hours last night. In fact I had to wake her this morning. So far today we’ve only had two pees indoors and small amounts at that. I will give it to Monday providing nothing gets worse and if she is still walking a few steps, squatting and weeing, the vets it is.
    Thanks again everyone for your comments.

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