I’m really tired tonight coz I played with my friends for ages today. Mummy couldn’t walk far so she kept hiding the ball and treats but me and Cooper found them all......she’s rubbish at hiding things from me
We went for a lovely muddy walk in the woods this afternoon when it was nearly getting dark because it had been raining so hard earlier. As mum parked the car I spotted a little version of me coming out of the woods with its people, so I barked, but the silly little people with the puppy ‘barked’ back at me and wouldn’t stop, so when mum opened the boot I couldn’t stop myself from jumping out and rushing over to them. I just thought I’d teach them some manners, but mum wasn’t very pleased (I think she was really cross with the little people, though, not me). I hope they don’t bark at their puppy like that. It was scary. Wispa
We went for a long walk on the beach this morning, as I did not get my walk last night. We had visitors and had Sooosssaageesss on the BBQ. They tasted delicious as some just fell from the sky whilst daddy was cooking....anyhow I had a very late night. This mornings walk was longer than normal and then I met up with my swimmy fetch pals towards the end of the walk. We all do swimmy fetch and go for long swims. Now I am so tired...time for a long snooze to get ready for my walk tonight....
Ok don’t worry the Pig is coming to tidy up them sossijes falling everywhere. I’ll put me in the post box. If I write ‘Vanilla’s House, Upside-down Place, Sossij Rain’ as the address I will get there, right? Oh wait should I write upside down so that your post-man can read it? That will be fine I just need to learn to write. I may be some time, save some sossij for me. Love, the Pig x
You can all come as more sossijes fell from the sky tonight. Apparently my hoomans are going on a dyet as of tomorrow, so they had to eat the rest of them tonight. Well I assisted as I am the chief taster after all. I will save some for when you get here. Pig, Rory and Moo you need the following address: 'Vanilla's House, Chief Taster, Upside-down Lab, Sossij Rain' That will get you here in a flash (well depends on how reliable the post man is). See you all soon...Vanilla
Daddy Hooman dropped my muzzle when we were out walking this morning. The wind blew it into the dyke and it started floating off. He shouted ‘Get it Sky’ so I thought here is my chance to get rid of it for good. I jumped in the dyke and landed on it. It disappeared under the water. Daddy Hooman looked a bit worried but I thought ‘job done’. Just as I was thinking ‘Yay’, he comes slipping in the mud down into the dyke ‘cos the wretched thing has appeared. Well my luck wasn’t in today but I’ll seize my chance one day . Sky
Oooh, I love my muzzle. Mum has been training us all with it "jussincase" and I love putting my nose in it because I get TREEEEEEEEEEEEETS every time I do it! It's a great game. It doesn't go outside with us through, so I've not had to jump on top of it in a river. Shadow
Or I'm sure mum would lend you Tuppy. She pulled off my muzzle when mum put it on me to try to stop me eating poo! Tuppy's useful... sometimes. Wispa
I saw Lilly , we played and chased and went in the see! But Mum says I have to say sorry to Lilly's Mum cos I got too xcited and did the bitey thing to her. Sorry Lilly's Mum Ripple
Me and Mummy went to the forist , and I did run and run and run cos it was cold . Mummy tried to put my cote on me, well no thank you Mummy , I`ve got my fur to keep me warm and I am a ruffty tuffty . Now my nee is hurting a little bit cos of all the running, but it was worf it, oh yes and I chased something called a feasent , Nelly x
Do you think Wispa, your mum would lend us Tuppy? Red the puppy was with us but she’s no use. She’s running around with the ‘joie de vivre’ all of the time - takes no notice of my muzzle - and I let her share my room at night now! Sky
Hey Ripple! My mummy sayz she is fine, no harm dun (I said she shud have juzt playd th bitey game bak like I did! humums! ) I hopez u can cum play again. I got sum Lilly's kitchun tin in my dinner wif sum hanty in-flam-a-try "juzt in cayz" sed mum.
Nelly Nelly! I saw a fesant AND a blak kat in me garden thiz mornin AT THE SAME TYME!!! I went and told then to go awayz! Hmmpf Lills x