Huckabee always runs when I get the leash out to take him for a walk. You would think he would love to go. After I get him leashed up, he is fine on the walk. Acts like he really enjoys it. Any suggestions?
For what ever reason Huckabee doesn't like the leash so we need to change how he feels about it. So instead of bringing the leash out for his walk leave it on the back of a chair or something like that, even on the floor. With a bunch of tasty treats click and reward for any look towards or movement towards the leash. Slowly over sessions reduce the distance between Huckabee and the leash until he is happily touching the leash and you can clip it on a calm dog. You want him to see the leash and think 'Hey! Lovely chicken on it's way! I love to see that leash'
I posted on your other question