Puppy crate placement with cats in the house

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by CheshireKat, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. CheshireKat

    CheshireKat Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2018
    Hello everyone, We are getting our new pup at the weekend. We plan to have her crate in our bedroom for the first 2-3 nights, but after that I am wondering where would be the best place to put it at night (it will be in the kitchen during the day where I am most of the time.) We already have two 10 month old kittens who don't have access to the kitchen at night, so would that be the best place so they don't drive her crackers running about outside her crate? Or would she feel lonely in there on her own, especially if she could here them moving about in the hall? I think the kittens probably sleep most of the night, but I would imagine they do play together some of the time as well. I would be very grateful for any advice from anyone who has experience of cats and Labs living together.
  2. CamK

    CamK Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2017
    Minnesota, USA
    Welcome! Congrats on the new addition to your family. So glad you found the forum. Lots of help on many topics, but mostly dog stuff.

    I think you should put the kennel where it is convenient for you. The animals will learn to adapt. If what you started with isn't working, you can make changes.

    We have had multiple cats and dogs over the last 27 years and we have never really had problems. Cats are smart and will find places to observe out of puppies reach. They usually come to an understanding after a few months.

    We kenneled puppies at night so the cats could have free reign of the house, until we were sure everyone got along. That was when we fed the cats. Cat food is tough on puppy digestive systems.

    Puppies may need to be taught that cats are not the same as their litter mates.

    And make sure everyone has some alone time with mama & papa.

    Good luck!
    Plum's mum likes this.
  3. Bettie

    Bettie Registered Users

    Jan 30, 2018
    We have two crates(downstairs and upstairs). As long as the door is closed, the dog cannot get at the cats, or vice versa. Since our 17 week old Choccie sleeps 10 hours upstairs with us, and so does the cat, the cat sleeps quietly on the bed until the moment to crate door is opened and the she is gone like greased lightning.
  4. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    My girl was introduced into our home with 2 resident cats. The crate was kept in the kitchen during the day and then I took it upstairs at bedtime. The crate was in our bedroom for the first 12 nights or so while she settled and then placed in the kitchen. I always closed the kitchen door to keep the cats out and ad their food, water and litter tray had been moved upstairs on puppy arrival it wasn't a problem - cats could play if they wished without disturbing puppy.
  5. CamK

    CamK Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2017
    Minnesota, USA
    Kitties litter box was in laundry room. Rather than cutting a hole in the door for the cats we put a short chain on the door so the door could only open far enough for cats to get in. (Chain like on motel doors.)

    For my daughter we re-purposed a dresser for her litter box. Took out the bottom 2 drawers and made one large space, added doors. Cut a small hole in side for cats entry.

    Easier to have a secure litter box than to keep puppy out sometimes.
  6. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Your daughter uses a litter box?! o_O
  7. CamK

    CamK Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2017
    Minnesota, USA
    Hahaha! That came out wrong didn't it? She has 2 lovely kitties...
    SwampDonkey and snowbunny like this.
  8. Cherry

    Cherry Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2016
    Berkshire, UK
    Molly slept in her pen downstairs with the cats. They have quite a large area downstairs and a cat flap but can't get upstairs. Their beds are all in the same room. I think the cats were company and possibly the reason she never cried at night. Good luck with your puppy :)

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