So excited and so hopeful Gus will like her and get used to her being around. She is so cute and we just can't wait to get her. How old do they need to be before you can start walking them everywhere and would be ok to start interacting with other dogs other than Gus?
Hi Andrew. Bella looks adorable on your avatar and I look forward to seeing some more pictures. It's important not to over exercise puppies while their joints form as this can do permanent damage, leading to problems later in life. There's a good article about this on the website. I'd keep Bella away from other dogs until she's completed her Parvovirus vaccinations, which usually means about 14 weeks. It's just not worth the risk.
I let my puppy interact with other dogs I was sure were vaccinated before she had finished her course of injections. But I didn't put her on the ground out and about until she had completed them. It's not worth the risk in my opinion. I carried her to lots of places during those first few weeks so she could experience different sights, sounds and smells, meet different shaped people etc. These trips don't have to be longer than a few minutes at a time, so as not to over-face your puppy.
GREAT other than Gus not even wanting to look at her and will growl at her if she stares at him. Last night she was chasing around an empty water bottle in the kitchen. We have puppy gates everywhere so Gus sat there in amusement and wagged his tail while he watched her play with it. She is very sweet and wow how in 4 years I forgot how sharp those little teeth are. I am hoping Gus and Bella will eventually be best of friends and play and swim together.
Just take it easy at least he's looking interested in her now. One of mine refused to eat and retired to the sofa like a Victorian lady for 3 days when I bought my last pup home. She forgave us all in the end and was teaching the pup bitey face after 5 days