
Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by mayonnaise, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. mayonnaise

    mayonnaise Registered Users

    Aug 9, 2012
    Hello All.
    My labrador retriever Molly has just been diagnosed with a cancerous tumour on her ear. She is 13 and they think she has multiple tumours in her stomach. She is too old for surgery as her breathing is not good. Anyone had similar with their babies? I am distraught. She still loves her walks and eating but does sleep 22 hours a day
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Cancer

    Oh, I am soooo sorry to hear that. How terribly distressing for you.

    My old lab/spaniel cross died at almost 16 last year. He too had some sort of cancerous growth in his stomach that meant he continuously lost weight, despite eating. Obviously at his stage of life it was not worth the pain and distress of operating.

    I have to say that despite getting weaker, he was a happy old boy right up to the end. I just looked after him all the time, fed him special titbits, took him for gentle little toddles, kept him warm and gave him lots of love and cuddles. One morning he couldnt get up and I just knew the time had come to say goodbye. The vet came and gave him the injection and he just fell asleep in my arms. It was a gentle and peaceful end; the best really we could wish for for our old friends.

    I think all you can do is find what Molly can digest well, spend as much time as you can with her, and enjoy your time with her while she is happy and relatively healthy. She will let you know when she cant go on any more. Be happy that she enjoys her walks, and dont worry about her sleeping lots - that's normal for old dogs!

    Sending you big hugs, because this is a difficult time. Karen
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Cancer

    I am so very sorry to read about your Molly . I lost my 11 year old Lab Tess to liver cancer last summer , so understand how you must be feeling . Whenever I have been faced with making the ultimate decision , I have kept a short diary where I record good and bad days , so that when the bad outnumber the good , I know its time to let go .
    Enjoy every day with Molly , my thought are with you .
  4. Kitty

    Kitty Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2012
    Re: Cancer

    I'm sorry to hear of your sad news. We lost our 14 year old collie x lab back in the spring. It's devastating and there's no easy way to make the decisions that you're faced with.
    I think the best bit of advice that I received, when faced with Lollie's suffering and being put to sleep, was "Better a day too early than a week too late"...
    Enjoy the days that you have left together, you'll know when it's time to let her go.
  5. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Cancer

    Very sad news. So sorry to read this.
  6. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Cancer

    Hi there, so sorry to hear your sad news. It is such a tough time for you. I also would echo Kitty's comment
    It is the hardest thing we do for our dogs, and one of the most important.


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