Chewing Issues

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Rusty, Mar 15, 2018.

  1. Rusty

    Rusty Registered Users

    Mar 13, 2018
    I have a 14 wk old pup yes I know lab pups like to chew on everything! So here is my problem! Gunner is usually a very sweet dog! He likes everyone he meets, deals with loud noises well and usually chews on his toys and is no problem! But lately I have been testing waters and he has been sleeping beside my bed on his big dog bed. well last week he got a hold of my couch on the corner just a lil bit nothing to bad but bad enough were some people would have a stroke! I corrected him and told him no and went and bought some spray for the couch just to try out! Well he stayed away from the couch and never went near it for about a week was doing real good and was chewing on his toys again! So this morning i wake up and he has torn the side of the couch up more and I was furious I could not punish him b/c i did not see him do it!So here is what I am thinking and I would like any feedback on it!

    Gunner stays in his Crate from 630am - 130pm Daily while my wife and I are at work! after that he is running around the house and in the yard till I go to bed at 11pm! Then if I put him in the Kennel at night from 11pm and then getting him out around 430am and then leaving putting him back in at 630am to 130 pm to long? I want to put him in the kennel I have for him outside when I leave to work in the morning but I still think it is to cold for him right now b/c he has always been a inside pup. Not sure what to do b/c this is the first dog I have ever had that has destroyed furniture
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Hi. Seven hours in his crate is too long for a puppy (or for any dog). Of course you can put him in the crate overnight to stop him chewing, but really leaving him alone for seven hours is far too long. When he will be in the kennel outside, will he be alone or is it a proper kennel with run for all of your dogs together? Dogs are very social animals, and do not do well on their own.
  3. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    I agree with Karen, far too long in the crate. Can you not pay for day care for him?
  4. Rusty

    Rusty Registered Users

    Mar 13, 2018
    unfort. we do not have doggie day care but as soon as I get done redoing my fence in my back yard I can keep him in a kennel during the day while my wife and i are at work. so far he has not had any accidents in his crate and he has company of my 2 boxers beside him hopefully i can get this fence done fairly soon. but he does seem to be real cam with my other dogs crated next to him and actually i think he is alot smarter than my other dogs b/c un like my other dogs when you open the door they storm out he will stay there till I use his release command I have never had a puppy do that before!

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