Hello. I am a lifelong Labbie person. I lost my beloved Stanley about two years ago. Last year I took in a foster girl named Ellen who has since become a beloved part of our family. Sweet and good natured as the day is long. She's about eight years old. She flat refuses to fetch, however. I don't want to teach her for ME, I want to teach her to fetch for HER. It's good for relationship building and for fun, enjoyment, and exercise for her. Am I barking up the wrong tree? (Sorry...) Is this something that anyone else has had experience with? OR, should I just let Ellen do Ellen? Thanks in advance!
Hello there! Welcome to the forum. My girl isn't especially interested in retrieving - ONLY at the beach. That's it! There may be something else that floats her boat - using her nose? A bit of agility (gentle given her age)? Obedience/tricks? They are all different jac
I’m not gonna be any help. I just love your title. Lol. I also know several Labs that only retrieve over water.
Finn is not a keen retriever on land. If you throw something in the water he is bonkers, but on land I'm having a tough time. I'm trying to reward land retrieves with treats and low repetitions, but he's just not naturally that enthused about it. He'd rather sniff things! And he comes from FC lineage (I think he's missing his field lab gene though, he has become very laid back at 1.5 years old maybe it's the Southern California influence) He's a water boy at heart!
Haha! Thanks. Well, she just isn't into that either. See: Fireplace ornament. She's so pretty that she LOOKS the part. It's an interesting conversation when people see her and throw something. She just looks at them like a cow looking at a new fence...
Awww...! Finn is precious. Thanks for your response. I'll keep trying. She's such a lover that I can't even be disappointed. Just have to keep up the hugs!
Heh, my Labrador won't swim, which is decidedly un-Lab. I just snort and roll my eyes and let her get on with what makes her happy. I'm sure Ellen has other things which she enjoys so I wouldn't worry
It's too true. She loves walks, hugs, and eating. Lots of eating. So far I've just let Ellen do Ellen but I want to make sure she lives a fulfilled Labbie life!
Is she food motivated? You can get these clam balls/lotus balls that you put a few treats inside, and that gets some non-retrievey dogs starting to chase an object that you throw out, which I guess is half the chain! Some people have had success with them. But, also I wouldn’t worry if she isn’t a retriever. Mine is not a tugger even though I want her to be, and I guess we just accept it! I guess doggy likes and dislikes are unique like humans, regardless of their breed. It’s like expecting all Americans to be obsessed with baseball and all brits to adore tea!
Welcome to the forum. All labs are different and enjoy different things. My girl is a keen retriever, but only with certain balls. She isn’t interested in dummies or tug toys. What does she enjoy doing other than eating?
We have had some that only retrieve things with feathers... Or when they are hunting. Maybe cuz they were bred more for their point? Is pointing lab a thing across the pond too? Fudge and Rex would rather follow a scent trail than play fetch. Rex loves chase and his horse ball. Zeke has given me tendinitis from throwing his chuck it ball, it's the ball with a 2 foot blue handle to help you throw. Trying to throw it with the other hand, lol had to explain to the neighbors what the awkward movement was. I say let Ellen be Ellen. You will find her special thing. Have fun!
Nibbler especially loves tea - if you leave the room for a seocnd he’s straight in there and it’s all gone. Loves fetch but hates water - won’t go near it.
I don't adore tea . Don't like it, never drink it. In fact I don't drink hot drinks which bewilders most people! Neither does my brother (drink tea). Perhaps we are adopted from a far off land but no one told us .
Same here nothing hot to drink ever. Don't get tea or coffee. Don't even like hot food. I was bought up by wolves.
I don’t drink tea, either! Rarely coffee either, as it makes me feel woozy. My drink of choice is hot water. I’m a cheap date
Tea actually makes me dry-retch....I guess we weren't given it as kids so didn't develop a taste. I even went to a tea plantation in Sri Lanka and had to have a cup to be polite but even so fresh it still made me sick . No idea why Love my coffee though but I restrict myself to 2 cups per day as I don't want to become addicted to it Maxx will play fetch indoors but once outdoors is not interested. He would rather sniff sniff sniff or run and play with other dogs/people. We are finding it impossible to stop him running off at the dog-park, we are not very good at training obviously but will persist