I just came across your thread, SwampDonkey. This is just heartbreaking, how we wish these things didn't happen to our luvs. Thinking of you both
She's up and stomping round this morning, oh was laughing at her she was all happy and waggy. She is definately feeling a lot better today and she's more mobile hungry and happy.
I'm so glad to hear that Moo lives to be her stroppy, bolshy self another day I'm so glad to hear that she had a good night, at least I assume she did
She did I didn't you know what it's like. She has ups and downs but she's still herself. I just wait.
Sorry you didn’t have a good night - I know what it’s like to worry. But I’m pleased Moo had a good night.
Swampdonkey, I have actually avoided this thread because of my cats diagnosis and I am being a ostrich with my head in the sand. I am so sorry that Moo and you are going through this. I am finding it incredibly difficult to move beyond the denial and anger stage of the diagnosis. My boy is turning 9 this year and it is just so damn unfair, regardless of their age. I know you are a warrior woman but I hope you can feel the love I am sending from this side of the ocean.
I'm sorry you're going through this. 9 seems so young,. I hope you get lots of time with him in so you can enjoy his company and he yours It's hard learning to let go so I hope you can find some peace. I not a great hugger but I sending you a massive big hug and lots of love too.
I've been very Strict with her today. No walk no rushing round the garden. Helping her off furniture making sure she doesn't hurt herself. Made sure she didn't get bumped by Rory. Just treated her like she's made of spun glass and she's been a lot better. Made sure she got as much gentle walking as she liked but made sure she rested loads too.she didn't want to eat but once I managed to entice her to start she ate well . So despite being so awful yesterday she's good today. Chris thinks her saw her slip and her leg collapsed yesterday so hopefully she just an injury and she will continue to improve.