Help Diesel my 3 month old pup keeps eating his poo when we are not there, I have a powder from the vets £25 it was to sprinkle on each meal but doesn’t seem to be working
This is pretty common and my pup did it too so I learnt to scoop it up in the split second she moved away from the poo after doing it. I was always in the garden with her so it was quite an easy skill to master. She eventually stopped doing it but I can't remember when, she did it for quite a while.
Here is a good article - .
Molly did this as a pup - fortunately grew out of it. Plenty of good reading here to help. Good luck and I hope it stops soon.
Poppy did it too - stopped as soon as we moved to a raw diet. Vigilance is the key - and cleaning up the poop immediately. Good luck - it's pretty disgusting while it's happening!!