Joy's second flyball session was on her first birthday. At her first session I had trouble persuading her to run away from me towards the trainer who was calling her name and waving a ball at her. This continued to be a problem in session 2. Then the penny dropped! I realised what I was doing wrong! Of course she couldn't understand me telling her to go and she wasn't going to leave me as long as she was getting attention from me, so I folded my arms and looked away from her and off she went! Boing boing, over all 4 hurdles, collected the ball from the trainer, then boing boing back to me over all 4 hurdles and gave me the ball! Lots of praise, lots of cuddles, lots of sausage! I was so so proud of her! I do know deep down that if she doesn't do something it's because I have failed to explain it properly to her, but I tend to forget this most of the time. Anyway, a lesson reinforced for me, and a lovely way to end her birthday. Well, that wasn't quite the end, to be honest, the end proper involved wine and a large kong!