You know you have a Labrador when you open your front door and the dog bolts and you hear neighbour children screaming "A DOG STOLE OUR BALL" and see a zoomie'ing dog with a pack of kids chasing....
When you find you dog has invited himself to a friend's pic nic and is eating sandwiches and skips with her 4 year old daughter. (Today 12.30)
Sorry but no one will ever convince me that Labradors aren’t the BEST DOGS EVER! They’re so full of life and personality!
OK, well how about a Bodeguero in pointer pants? Life would never be dull again! I can promise you that
You know when you have a Labrador when it becomes completely normal to walk around the house with only one slipper on.
You know you have a Labrador when all your 'smart' clothes have either dog hair or drool stains (or both).
To walk down the street from the park with your lab covered in foul smelly human excrement down one side with a smirk on your face And your head held high