Oh I could KICK myself. I’m flying solo today and Maslow was pottering around my feet whilst I was sorting the kids uniforms out for school.. suddenly I hear a racket and follow it and the little hooligan/genius has figured out how to open the draw to Leo’s food and has eaten several mouthfuls of it! I got him away and shut the door but is this going to be a tummy upset of epic proportions? I’ve been SO careful with him! I can’t believe he managed to open it! It’s a sliding tray with a lip at the top and he’s got his teeth around it and tugged! He is now DESPERATE to get back there so that’s being moved PDQ!
He he, of all the things he's going to eat over the coming months this is probably the least of your worries! you may not even notice anything ... he's a clever boy though!
He's a labrador forget all the stuff you've learned with other breeds they will do anything to get to food. All my food is kept in lockable labrador proof cupboards inside a lidded bin. Human food too. I changed fridges because Moo could get in. They can get in bins so lock them up too. They can open zips go through coat pockets and hand bags ruck sack etc, nothing is safe or sacred. He may well he sick or have diarrhoea but you may need to seek vet advice as I'm sure you know eating a lot in one can do. It's s bit like an arms race and they are always hungry starving
If it was just a few mouthfuls I wouldn't worry. Yes, he may be a bit squitty for a while, but that's not because there's anything evil about the food, just that it's new to him and new foods can cause tummy upsets especially in puppies. There's not much difference between the ingredients of puppy food and adult food; it's just than the puppy foods have their ratios of ingredients adjusted for optimum healthy growth, so there's nothing in there that is bad for a puppy, don't worry. When Shadow was 6 months, he went to stay with friends while Willow was recovering from her spay surgery. He got into their adult dog's food - when I went round to feed him, he was the size of a house! We were worried about bloat, so took him to the emergency vet (because these things NEVER happen during regular vet surgery hours) and she gave him some medication and told us to starve him for two days. Honestly, though, he was MASSIVE! For a few mouthfuls, I'd just be rolling my eyes. Yup, Maslow is a typical Labrador!
My sisters Doberman had also eaten a large amount of dog food. He is also a counter surfer, so if your pup gets bigger, be careful of what you leave on the kitchen counter.... My sister starved him indeed for 2 days! So not to worry, keep an eye on him. When you don’t trust it, ring your vet!
Had a couple of looser than usual poos yesterday (but more soft than runny) but he seems fine! If anything he’s more full of beans than usual!
I can't see any concerns with a puppy eating adult dog food once, or even a few times. Puppy food is formulated to promote growth, strong bones etc. You aren't going to mess that up with one meal. There is nothing bad in adult dog food, unless it is really poor quality, or has something your pup is allergic to.