Gosh @SwampDonkey , that happens to me too, I'm just mooching the internet minding my own business, then .... Whoops, I'm on a puppy waiting list Only joking of course, I'm really pleased for you, and if it's meant to be, it will. Xx
Ah, Yes! Mine have always been plant pot eaters! Probably best to wait until you have his full attention
Every work morning I get a call from OH which is the 'walk report'. They go for a long walk after dropping me off at the train station. Mostly it is complaints about how badly behaved Maxx was. This morning I answered and all I got was loud 'FIND A F###ing TRAINER!' Hallel-freaking-lujah. I've been wanting professional training from the first day but he wouldn't hear a word of it. Have left a message with the one-on-one trainer recommended by our vet. I can't wait to start. I'm just afraid that once he calms down he will change his mind once we find out how much it costs. I really have no idea what that will be. The dog classes are cheap but knowing his impatience I think we need to see results very quickly and one-on-one will do this. Actually I'm putting my foot down even if he does change his mind. It's GOING TO HAPPEN!!
Oh goodness yes, it will be the first question I ask! A girl here showed me a picture of the collar her 'trainer' told her to use and it looks like it came straight out of a medieval torture chamber I couldn't help myself and said 'don't you think that is cruel'? She didn't and now she avoids me
@Maxx's Mum obedience clubs are a great place to start looking. Classes are more affordable, trainers are volunteers, you meet nice people etc. I had nothing but positive experiences at my club. Class sizes are bigger than the more expensive private training places, but in my experience there were always a bunch of people away every week so I got that "small class" experience for a fraction of the price. And as you move up the grades the classes naturally get smaller anyway as people choose not to continue.
@SwampDonkey what colour was Doug? I've always imagined him as a Choccie, but I don't think I actually know for sure.
Does anyone else ever pine for their dog? I’m literally sat on a course staring at Stanley on my crazy mam dog cam like
And, you are on this forum to tell us about it instead of paying attention to the course. Yep, we've all been there.
Yes. I sneak a look at my phone - Coco wallpaper of course. Or my desktop - Coco wallpaper again. He makes me smile.
At some really terrible times in my life photos of my doggies keep me calm. At one very terrible time when things were truly grave a doctor asked me how I was so calm and I told her I'm not here I walking the dogs in the woods by the stream. Love them.
Yes especially last few weeks having been away (heading back now, but still a couple of days). Dont get me wrong, I do miss OH too. It is different as you can talk and you understand. But there is something about missing the little one, just different. OH just told me that last few mornings Vanilla has been waking up and just looks at my pillow and whines a bit. Then just burries her head into it. Think this weekend will be days out with OH and little one all day...