Ask first please

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Caro A, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. Caro A

    Caro A Registered Users

    Nov 5, 2017
    hi. This might sound like a really silly post from me. Our problem is : Bonnie now 9 months old thinks she has total right to all chairs/ sofas in the house, garden benches too.
    Before we got her I was adamant that I wouldn’t allow her on the sofa, BUT, once she was big enough she started to climb up and curl up into a little ball and snooze away, I started by getting her off and trying to deter her. But, she showed that she was so settled and calm once up that eventually I gave in.... (weak I am). Anyway, so now she jumps up and settles down for a cuddle when any one of us sits on the sofa. To be honest I now don’t mind it too much, she’s our pet after all. The problem is, I recognise that not everyone (especially my Mum) likes a Labrador jumping up next to them when they’ve got a hot cuppa in their hands. I’ve got a cover over the spot she likes best. My question is, is there a good way of training her to at least “ask first”, or “check” and then if we say no she can stay down, without too much fuss. Silly thing really, I should have been stronger in the first place!!!
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Nah, one of life's joys is squeezing into the tiniest space while your Labrador sprawls out next to you, content as can be.

    To be honest, I'd be more inclined to just teach a very strong "go to bed" cue, so you can ask her to do that when your Mum has a cuppa, or when you don't want her on the sofa. It would be far easier.
  3. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    I love the squishing too.:) we have the on your mat cue. Weirdly the boys wait and look to see if it's ok and I pat the seat, Moo would just get on.
    Caro A and HAH like this.
  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Lilly is not a sofa buddy.
    Sometimes you know she wants up as the sofa is the sunniest spot in the room at times.
    If there is a blanket up she will ask. You can just tell by her body language. And a pat on the sofa gives her permission. She doesn't normally stay of there are more than one occupants.
    The go to bed cue is always the default if she is somewhere she shouldn't be and one of the best to teach in my opinion.
    Maxx's Mum likes this.
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Tatze is allowed her chair and my sofa. Keir is never allowed on chairs or furniture. It’s easy to train but takes a lot of consistency. Every time one of them got on a chair or sofa they were not allowed on I offered a treat and said ‘off’ as they jumped off. Eventually they learn where they are allowed and where they are not. Keir never tries to get on furniture now, ours or anyone else’s - he’s twelve months old. He stopped trying at 5-6 months old.

    Mollie was more persistent and we had to put upturned stools on the furniture when we were out of the room until she learned they weren’t for her.

    Here is Tatze on her chair today - this is her haven, her safe place from the pups. They are not allowed near her when she’s on there :)

    drjs@5, Tammy Cooke, Caro A and 3 others like this.
  6. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    I know, same thing happened with Cassie! Now she just curls up into a big ball!
    She's not one for cuddles though so sharing it is not on her agenda. There is one sofa she's not allowed on, I think I trained it much like Boogie does.
    I believe you can use a mat or blanket -- the same "go to your bed/mat/blanket or whatever" as the boundary games, but you put the blanket on the sofa they are allowed on. If that makes sense.
    Caro A and Stacia like this.
  7. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    We taught Quinn to "ask" get on our bed by sitting until we said 'ok' every night around 1am she sits by our bed and cries to wake me up so I can tell her "ok" and she jumps up :rolleyes:
  8. Plum's mum

    Plum's mum Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2017
    East Sussex
    I too was adamant there would be no sofa surfing by Plum but, for various reasons, I relented and I wouldn't change it, she's such a snuggle bunny and I love it. There are three sofas downstairs and she's allowed on them all but if I have friends or family over she is limited to the one they're not on. If she tries to get up she's told "off" and she gets off. If all sofa spaces are taken up she's asked to "settle" on the floor or her mat.

    At my folks' they put a throw for her on one sofa and she's only allowed on that one. She never breaks the rules with them, she just knows. :)
    Caro A and selina27 like this.
  9. Tammy Cooke

    Tammy Cooke Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2017
    We made a big mistake with Luna our 9 month old lab. I fell in love the minute I saw her and when she arrived home for the first time I needed snuggles. Shiko our other dog was allowed on the sofa already she gave a look and if it was okay by us she got on her blanket which we put on the sofa. When Luna arrived she had snuggles for 1 or 2 nights with Shiko lying between us on the sofa. But then Luna just assumed it was all okay regardless of whether it was okay or not, regardless of just coming in from mucky walk.
    So we decided there and then that they aren’t allowed on the sofa. It took weeks to get it drilled home that she couldn’t come up and oh what paddy’s we had.

    Anyway several months on she knows who’s boss. Well I thought she did but apparently not, when I caught her on the bed this morning!:)

    So I guess what I’m saying is you need to decide if they can or can’t go on furniture and if no it’s no and we must be consistent despite us desperately wanting snuggles x
    Caro A and selina27 like this.
  10. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    Yep, this is how I play it with Cassie.
    Caro A likes this.
  11. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    I'm in agreement with Fiona--teach a really robust go to bed cue. I would also teach down (if you use the word drop for the obedience down) or off to get the dog to alight from the furniture. I would use luring to teach off--you will need a higher value treat than the comfotable furniture! Regards Michael
  12. Chewies_mum

    Chewies_mum Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2018
    Before Chewie came home we were all "He won't be allowed on the sofa."

    Guess who is curled up on my lap on the sofa right now? And I wouldn't change it for the world. I have been asking him for a sit before helping him up (he is still too little to get up here by himself) but im not sure what will happen when he is big enough to climb up himself. He will probably run the show. :)

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