Littermates and aggression

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Furcrazy, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. Furcrazy

    Furcrazy Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2018
    Hello! I'm not new to being a Fur Mother but I'm new to puppy aggression. I have 2 female labs same age about 15-16weeks. Groot is laid back, loves to sleep, doesn't really growl. She loves life and people. Bella is hyper and growls when you pet her sometimes and gets into everything. The puppies played often and we saw no issues. As time went on she started the low aggressive stance and growl with Groot. Sometimes she would attack if Groot couldn't move fast enough. We would tell her no and place her in timeout. Friday Bella just started growling at Groot for no reason. This went on for some time. We told her no put her in time out. This continued. Then they finally got into a fight and the only way to them to stop.was run the vacuum. Ever since then they can't be together because Bella growls. For a moment we had them on leashes in the house and when Bella starts growling we separate them. They can go into the yard together no problem. They play and have fun but in the house it's a completely different story. I'm at a loss because I love them both and can't imagine giving one up. Help!

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