I have a 2 year old lab and yesterday I took him to a “dog day care” facility to try it out. He played with other dogs all day and was exhausted when I picked him up. This morning he didn’t eat breakfast (which has never happened) but did eat his lunch. He’s been kind of lethargic (though went on his walks), didn’t touch his dinner and around 5:00 pm he threw up. He is still lethargic and clearly doesn’t feel good. I don’t know if this can just be from the over exertion yesterday or if it could be something more serious that I should get him to a vet for. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hi there and welcome. It’s hard to say exactly what is going on but it could be a combination of being overtired as well as something he ate or a tummy bug. One episode of vomiting would generally not be something I would go to the vet for, but I would keep an eye on him and see how he goes for the next 24 hours. You know your dog best so it’s good to follow your instincts. In the meantime I would make sure he is drinking and watch for signs of discomfort. I would feed him something bland like poached chicken and rice, if at all, for the next meal. Hope he perks up. Let us know!
I agree with Lisa about one episode of vomiting - that doesn't worry me. But if the lethargy continues after he's had a decent sleep, or if he's not drinking, or if he refuses food again, or if he shows signs of discomfort (panting, pacing around salivating, high heart rate) then I'd call the vet. When you say 'he clearly doesn't feel good' what are you seeing exactly?
He He just lies down without his usual energy, will stay by himself instead of following me as he usually does. Also he won’t eat, which I’ve never seen. No panting or pacing, just seems not his energetic, happy self.
He might’ve got dehydrated at daycare. Is he weeing normally? Drinking water? If not, you need to encourage him to drink - chicken broth, fish flakes in water, etc. Agree with above: 24 hours to assess, if no improvement then vet visit. The first time my dog went to daycare - he was three months old - he was a zombie after. I was so worried!!!! But he was just exhausted, not used to being awake and playing all day.
If you’re still worried today, take him to the vet. It may well be nothing, but it will give you peace of mind to have him checked over. It’s the weekend tomorrow too... never a good time for a crisis! I hope he’s back to normal this morning. Do let us know.
It’s never the wrong decision to go to the vet’s... As Granca says, if nothing’s wrong then it still gives peace of mind.
Max had kind of the same experience. Day before yesterday he went to visit his friend Olive - a 7 month old mixed breed. I saw Max eating the cat's kibble but it was only little. On our way home Max vomited in the car. Once home he had only a little food and went to sleep. Because Max and Olive play non-stop, I ascribed the vomiting to exertion and over excitement. Yesterday morning he vomited more or less his whole breakfast. Now Max no longer wants to eat his Royal C Labrador puppy food. If I mix a bit of wet dog food into the bowl, he eats that but won't touch the kibble. I always mix the RC kibble with a bit of water. This morning I tried the dry Carrefour Expert Junior kibble and he loved it. Now what? I thought it is important for him to eat a good quality kibble. Would it be ok to give the RC kibble dry? Max will be 4 months on the 2nd of July.