I have been trying various tablets, capsules and oil to help Finns arthritis. The latest is Youmove, which doesn't seem to be helping at all, so I'm wondering if I could try salmon oil as well as the youmove tablets to see if that makes any difference, but don't want to give him too much of the omegas and chondroitin, etc!
There is a point at which you can give too much, but I think it's a huge amount. I give Yumove twice a day and 3-4 squirts of salmon oil in Lilly's breakfast - certainly well under a maximum dose even with a supplemented kibble I think.
remember we discussed it before in this thread https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/fish-oil-for-dogs.2138/#post-20883 If the links in the posts are still working they might help you. jac
Thanks for the reply Jac. I think I'll be fine to do both, sounds as if I would be giving the same as you, more or less, and Finn is big. Thanks again.
How long have you been using the Yumove? I use Yumove Advance, and the vet prescribed a loading dose (high dose) for the first 6 weeks, then reduced to a maintenance dose.
A few weeks now, and if anything Finn is getting stiffer. So hard to tell if this would happen anyway and I understand Youmove Advance is somehow different from the standard product that we have.
Oh poor Finn! I can imagine how distressing this is for both of you... Yumove has been clinically trialled. The results are not in the public domain at this point, not unusual. You are right, Yumove Advance is a slightly different formulation, even so, I wouldn't expect to see results this early, however as Yumove is different, it is difficult to compare the two. Dosing frequency and amount are taken into consideration in the study. For example, if you trialled a dose of 50mg ibrufen daily in humans, you would quickly come to the conclusion it didn't work! Arthritis in dogs is complex, thus a more multi-modal approach is recommended. We have both our boys now in a long-term rehab programme, where the vet monitors the physical symptoms pain, gait etc.. and utilises physio, cold laser, acupuncture as well as augmenting with medication as and when needed.
Sorry, I always get in a fix when replying and often do it twice! We have another problem in that Finn won't let the vet or nurse or anyone 'medical' touch him, so any treatment other than supplements would mean sedation on a regular basis, which I m not willing to do. It may prolong his life but would he be miserable, I think yes.
I use salmon oil for Bear. He has Arthritis in his back. When he had a flare up it was really bad for him but the salmon oil seems to work well.