Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Fwhitt246, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Fwhitt246

    Fwhitt246 Registered Users

    Jul 13, 2013
    My sister has just announced that one of the vets at her work is having cocker cross jack Russell puppies (apparently the working cocker raped the little jack(!)), and I am really tempted to get one. Murphy is 6 months and absolutely loves other dogs. I am wondering whether he would be better being left if he had a mate, and I was thinking that a cocker jack wouldn't get too big so wouldn't need another big crate like Murphy's just a little one.
    Am I getting ahead of myself and do you think it would be a bad idea?

    All opinions welcome positive or negative! I won't get offended :) xx
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    Hi Frankie, that's a big decision to make as Murphy is only 6 months and still got a lot of puppy left in him! I have two dogs and it's a lot of work and something I would personally not do again as much as I love them, but that's really because Charlie is a rescue and has been a difficult dog to train. You have to ask yourself would two dogs fit in with your work schedule and your social life. Two puppies is a lot to deal with and I wouldn't be tempted to even go and look at these puppies as you may well make a decision you later regret as puppies are cute. Two dogs is twice the expense on food, vet bill, worming/flea treatments etc. What would you do with two dogs if you want to go out for the day or on holiday?

    There are lots of people on the forum with 2 + dogs that I am sure will give you some more advise. Please think long and hard about it and don't make any rash decisions without going through everything involved very carefully. Make a list of pros and cons and a rough idea of the cost involved as seeing it written down makes all the difference

    Also Frankie, any dog that has Spaniel in it will need a lot of exercise and stimulation, so twice the training too.

    How did your wedding day go, I am sure we would all love to hear about it? :)
  3. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    I want a second dog too so understand your temptation :)
    The reasons I don't have one yet are....

    Riley was hard work as he went from about 9 - 15 months and matured and found his independence.
    We have a little girl and she's the main priority at the moment.
    I wanted to make sure I had Riley trained to a reasonable standard and it's taking a while ;)
    I want the right second dog...temperament, health and breed being the most important (in that order)

    So no opinion just sharing where we're at :D
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    Hi , what a dilema for you, it must be very tempting :)
    A little word of caution , I`ve had JRT`s all my life, usually alongside a gundog breed . JR`s are a challenge , even to the most experienced owner at times , I know that these pups are not full terrier, but I would advise you to really think hard about this . Its usually worked out that when I have had a terrier, the resident gundog has been around 18 months to 3 years of age which is ideal as without a doubt, the older dog will teach the young interloper some manners :)
    Two pups can be done , I`ve done it myself but oh boy, its hard work , I would try to opt for having an addition when Murphy is a little older, but its your decision and I wish you luck whatever :)
  5. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    I would recommend a slightly larger gap between pups. Just to let you get training well established, and to 'iron out any wrinkles'. :)

    I also recommend that when you decide the time is right for a pup, you make a plan or 'check list' for finding one, pros and cons of different breeds, pup v rescue, etc. Then check out breeders, health checks etc, all before you look at a puppy.

    It is always tempting to view a litter because it is local, or a friend has one, and it may be that this litter is the right one for you, but it is a good idea to 'match' the litter against your check list to see if it measures up. Ten to fifteen years is a long, long time, to live with a mistake.
  6. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    I too am looking to get another dog, but I am going to wait until the dog we have now is two - three years old. As the others have said, it's not impossible to have two very young dogs together, but it is certainly a lot easier when one of the dogs is calmer and mature! With my previous two dogs, the first one was nearly three when we got the second; the result was that the second dog needed very little training, as he mostly followed the lead of the older one.

    Working cocker and JRT sounds like a rocket fuel mixture... I'm sure they'd be cracking little dogs, but a LOT of work. :)

    Good luck whatever you decide!
  7. Fwhitt246

    Fwhitt246 Registered Users

    Jul 13, 2013
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all your words of wisdom! I think it's easy to get excited and make rash decisions but after sleeping on it and then reading all your comments I think I should definitely wait! Tbh I don't think we would ever actually choose a jrt cross cocker, it was only because they were there that I was tempted by them. My sister is annoying for trying to persuade me to get one!

    I think the next addition to our family will be a baby anyway in the next year or so and then we will see how we go.

    My wedding day went really well thanks for asking Helen :) The day went very fast! I was worried I would have spent the day worrying about Murphy as he was staying with a friend but once I got over the first night without him (the night before the wedding) I was ok. And my friend said she would have him back any time and that he was extremely obedient, which I was surprised at as he is definitely not extremely obedient with me!
    Anyway, all our guests said how it was a lovely laid back wedding. We had a vw camper as the wedding car which was really cool and the samba band that I used to play with at Uni performed in the evening and I joined in in my dress!
    Il try and put some pics up later.

    Thanks everyone :)
  8. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    Sounds like a brilliant day. So glad you had a fantastic time and would love to see a few pics!
  9. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    Sounds like a lovely day!! And I agree, definitely baby first..... :D
  10. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    We had a baby when Riley was about a year old. Quite a lot of work ;)

    Riley is a sensitive soul too and it took him a little while to get used to the new family dynamic. He loves Lizzie now and she gives him kisses and cuddles which he's slightly less sure about :eek:
  11. Susan Jay

    Susan Jay Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2013
    Re: Should I get Murphy a little friend?!?!

    Two pups is a lot of work - sounds like a good idea and when you see puppies there is always that temptation to jump in with both feet and get another. I would have a. House full at the drop of a hat. I got my pup when my older lab was 5yrs old - thinking that was a good age as she was an established, sensible adult. Wrong! The pup just brought out her puppy side again and it was the blind leading the blind. They are now 2 and a half and 7 and a half. The older one takes the lead from the younger one and copies her!! As lovable as they are, I'd hold off as I do think a pup needs a lot of time and training and one can be handful never mind two. My youngest also has allergies and is takes a lot of hard work to look after her - anti-histamine twice a day, spray on her feet three times a week, a 15 minute shower with special shampoo every weekend and an injection once a month. Then there's the adaptation of the dog beds to vet beds etc. it's a lot of work and I love her dearly but imagine it has been manageable due to other dog being in good health too. I don't know how I would have managed if I'd had another pup around as well.
    Good luck whatever you decide - you'll make the right choice whether you go ahead or not - and if you do, you'll make it work.

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