I rescued an eight year old white lab with lupus on his nose, so he has to stay out o sunshine. We live in Az., so in summer I had him shaved to cool him off. Don't scold me, I didn't know better till I found this website. After he was shaved I could see his skin was irritated many, many bald spots under fur, some had black scabs. I took him to vet and was put on antibiotics. If I hadn't shaved him I wouldn't have known, he ws not scratching. So , since he's indoor dog, shave or not?
I just read two completely contradicting reports on thermal imaging of shaved dogs and I have no idea, now, it it's really harmful or not. What does your Vet say? Maybe he needs to be shaved at least until his skin clears up?
I’m not a dog but I k kwow for myself personally I keep my hair longer in the summer to keep the sun off my head and keep cooler and in the winter I keep it shorter to stay warmer in a hat. I might be crazy thought but it works for me.