1 year old lab sleep problems - can anyone help us?

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Emmadw, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Emmadw

    Emmadw Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2018
    I would be really grateful if anyone can help guide us. We have a 1 year old Lab, Luna, who has always slept well - but we have recently moved house and she had to be Spayed the weeks after this as her op had to be put back as she had a Phantom Pregnancy. Since moving house she is really unsettled and agitated on an evening and waking once of twice in the night and crying and barking until she wakes up the whole house. She does go for a wee when we get up to her and sometimes a drink but it seems more that she is needing reassurance most. We are getting up to her but realise we are potentially reinforcing the behaviour, but we are worried she needs something as it is so unlike her to bark at night, and so now we are stuck in a really difficult place.
    Luna sleeps in her crate and won't tolerate a water bowl in her crate - she turns it over and barks at it - we are wondering whether we should we leave her in a room with her crate or whether this will unsettle her more. We have tried more exercise, and less exercise in the evening, leaving the radio on, clothing with our sent on, Adaptil diffuser and nothing seems to be helping. Please can anyone guide us who has experience of what to do in this circumstance. Thank you for any help you can give to us.
  2. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    I would check for a urine infection firstly. Maybe she's crying because she does actually need to wee.
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi Emma, and welcome to the forum. It's possible that your dog is simply unsettled because of your move. Is she sleeping in a crate at the moment, are you shutting her in a room at night or does she have the run of the house? Is she drinking more than normal in the evening?
  4. Emmadw

    Emmadw Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2018
    She did have a urine infection after her op and has had antibiotics - but we will get her rechecked.
    Thank you
  5. Emmadw

    Emmadw Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2018
    Hi Pippa,
    Thank you so much for replying. Luna has always been in her crate since we got her and she is in one of the downstairs rooms with the door to the room open. She is drinking quite a lot because of the hot weather and she has recently (about two weeks ago) had a slight urine infection and has had a course of abs.
    She gets upset if we put a bowl of water in her den at night and turns the bowl over. She is agitated in the evenings too but fine during the day?
    We are trying to increase the amount of exercise and training we are doing to see if this helps but no changes yet?
    We are feeling quite desperate and sleep deprived!
    Any advice you have would be amazing.
    Thank you so much
  6. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    I agree, she does sound unsettled. I have new neighbours and they have a dog, when they first left her to go out, she barked the whole time, but as time has gone on, she barks less and less each time the go out as she is beginning to realise that this is now home. Perhaps your dog needs to be nearer you at night for reassurance?

    You say she was recently spayed, maybe she needs a check up at the vet to see all is well in that department?
    Tammy Cooke likes this.
  7. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    You must be exhausted - definitely time for another vet check in case that infection has flared up again. She might need another course of antibiotics. And I agree with Stacia, putting her crate nearer to you - maybe even in your room for a couple of nights - until your new house feels more like home, could be a way to get you all some more sleep. And if she needs to pee in the night because her bladder is sore, you'll hopefully wake when she stirs, rather than her getting upset.

    Hope things improve soon.
    Stacia likes this.

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