A day in the life of your Labrador....

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Coa, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. Coa

    Coa Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2017
    I'd just like to hear about your Labradors average day!

    This is my boys:
    7.00am- We wake up and come downstairs to be greeted by him wiggling his bottom and bringing us a toy.
    7.15-7.30- He gets his breakfast scattered over the garden which he hunts for while we get ready.
    8.00-8.10- short 'wee walk' over the field because he refuses to wee in the garden!
    8.10-10.30- pottering around the house with us, chewing on a chew and napping if we're boring!
    10.30-12.00- about an hour's walk which we normally get in the car and drive somewhere.
    12.30-13.00- frozen Kong for lunch
    13.00-16.00- sleeping after his walk!
    16.00-1800- my partner gets home from work so he gets all excited and they have a play for a whowh. Then hes following us whilst we make tea and tidy round.
    18.00-18.30- he has his tea in a Kong wobbler whilst we have ours.
    19.00- either a short evening walk or popping round my parents or my partner's parents for a play with their dog.
    19.30/20.00- settle in for the evening to watch TV!
  2. GaryC

    GaryC Every day is a school day with a Lab pup.

    Jan 18, 2018
    Fife, Scotland
    05:30 - He normally jumps up on bed and cuddles in.
    06:00 - My alarm goes off.
    06:20 - We go out to park or hills for 30-40 minute walk, normally all off lead depending on others there.
    07:00 - Gets his breakfast.
    08:10 - We both go off to work.
    08:20-12:30 - He sleeps / plays with others in office / plays with toys.
    12:30 - 10 min walk outside for a wee.
    12:30-17:00 - He sleeps / plays with others in the office / plays with toys.
    17:00 - Home, and he gets his tea.
    17:30 - He plays with others as they come home / garden door always open at the mo with the weather.
    18:30 - He starts to be annoying, stealing shoes and taking them to garden as he is getting bored.
    19:30 - Walk to field to chase ball for 20 mins, or, in garden for some training, or a bit of both.
    20:30 - He starts to calm down and potter about or sleep with us in living room.
    22:30 - Goes on to his bed at same time I go to mine, ish.
  3. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    We don't really have a set routine, which actually I like, although most days start very early with all three having a romp together in the paddock or top fields, this is around 6.30am

    Breakfast also varies, sometimes it's just two kongs each, and the rest in training treats.

    Then usually nothing until early lunchtime. Which is fine as they like to sleep/doze the morning away. If we are both out at work (OH often works from home) then a house sitter pops in for 1.5 hours to offer enrichment. We also have a dog walker every now and then as Benson just loves group walks.

    Early afternoon or early evening is a short training session, at the moment with Bramble working on her condition, fitness (hill walking) and swimming. We throw in some basic training or a couple of long complex retrieves.

    A few minutes of individual attention throughout the evening, could a mixture of checking ears, feet, mouth with some fun stuff thrown in. Dinner is around 7 pm, but that varies a lot too! :)
    selina27, Coa and pippa@labforumHQ like this.
  4. Julie iovine

    Julie iovine Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018


    5:45 am—Sammy my 2.5 yr old black lab greets me all awag, kisses me when I put down fresh water & waits sitting while I set table for breakfast. He eats! Takes 2 seconds. I hide some blueberries around the kitchen for him hunt

    6:15-7:00 Walk mostly off lede in Central Park, romping with friends (taking off for bushes...). Kibble filled puzzle toy on return

    8:00 body brush after dishes done
    9:00- 12:00 lies on my feet while I work

    12:00-12:30 on leash walk for a few blocks and thru the park a bit

    12:30 3:30 downtime in kitchen, in/out of crate

    3:30 30 min walk by me or a walker

    5:00 DINNER!!!!

    5:00-5:10 —training in the hall: currently toy switch; run around trash bin; weave legs (as if) Usually takes three weeks to get a new behavior underway

    5:30-7:00 hangs around kitchen during dinner prep and clean up
    7:00 last call walk, around a few blocks

    8;00-9:30–watches tv with us in bedroom
    Often just removes himself to kitchen and crate when wants to go to bed around 9 unless air conditioner too good
    Coa and pippa@labforumHQ like this.
  5. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Thanks for sharing Sammy's day Julie. - and welcome to the forum! :)
  6. LoopyLuna

    LoopyLuna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2018
    This is the perfect thread - thank you Coa. Our little one is only 12 weeks old and so I've been intrigued what sort of average day might await us in a year's time. We have a little routine at the moment but it's very hit and miss, dictated by her bladder and bowels and for us very sleep deprived at the moment. For what it's worth though, our (almost) average day looks something like this:

    6.00 - Alarm goes off and I go into kitchen. Ignore her for a few mins until she calms down and stops barking.

    6.10 - Out in the garden for pee and poo (or if she's not in the mood; eating grass, biting my feet or licking pigeon poo). Then back in and 45 minutes chill, tug, or barking at me for attention while I have brekkie (this morning was a barking day :( ).

    6.45 - Breakfast in Kong Wobbler which used to take her 15 minutes to do, and is now polished off in 5 minutes. So much for keeping her brain busy :)

    7.00 - Out for a wee (if she's co-operating). If she's not too overexcited, we'll do a few sit commands and then she'll have a sniff around the garden. Normally ends in her finding a stone she shouldn't have and me then trying to retrieve said stone for 10 minutes

    7.30 - 11.30 - Sleep or chill with hourly wee breaks or short few minutes of play when she wakes up. I'll try and work in the study during that time. Depending on her mood she can be really attention seeking and whining and we'll get zero work done, or she'll just sleep right through and just give us a whimper when she needs a wee.

    11.30 - 12.30 - Crazy behaviour because she needs a poo but doesn't realise it, and just behaves like a grumpy and bitey toddler! Normally give her a frozen Kong to entertain her and to push things along! She'll eventually have a poo after lots of faffing about and testing our patience.

    12.30 - Lunch in Wobbler and a good drink. Out in the garden for a bit of a sniff round. Probably a good 10 minutes of barking at the very unimpressed cat.

    1.00pm - 5pm - Sleep with hourly breaks for wee. Having a poo really takes it out of you when you're a baby! Then another crazy hour before evening poo. Normally very bitey and difficult to control.

    6pm - Tea in wobbler again. Followed by a snooze.

    7pm - 9pm - The witching hours. All of her unused energy from the day is condensed into 2 hours of hell. If it's not too hot outside, we'll take her out to see new sights or smells or just take her to the pub to socialise a bit. This tends to calm her down.

    9.30pm - Sleep. She'll take herself off to her crate at about 10.30 and my other half will wake her up at 00.30 for a wee and poo, and then we're all off to bed exhausted.
    Coa likes this.
  7. PenJ

    PenJ Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2018
    Our Lab will be two in September and he is a most active boy. Up at 6, eats and lets himself out front door in fenced yard to survey his domain an do greet neighbors who walk by. He is the most social dog we have ever had. Lies around for a while til I am ready for jaunt to dog park at 8 am where a whole group of regulars meet every day. After almost an hour there (unless weather is too hot), we head off to our beautiful glacial lake where he swims and fetches tennis balls for quite a while.

    We return home and he rests for hours with occasional forays into front yard if someone is walking by. Does nap with my husband every day. Around 3 or 4, it's either a nice walk or back to the dog park. He eats around 6 or so. And will settle down usually while we eat our dinner. Loves for me to throw chewed up football to him. And loves to play fetch games and shake his toys. He settles in for the night around 9 pm.
    LoopyLuna, Coa and Cath like this.
  8. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    He sounds like a lovely boy! Welcome to the forum :)

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