What to do with puppy all day?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Kobe, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. Kobe

    Kobe Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2018
    It's sweltering hot out here -, above 30, which is a normal summer so it will last another month or so. We do not work in summer so we are home. It's hot by 7:30am and lasts until 9-10pm.

    We get up at 6ish with the pup (5 months old). He eats and has a wander through the garden and a bit of a chew on some toys. He wants to be outside but it's too hot. He ends up lying about in the kitchen (cold) looking sad all day until lunch. Gets up for lunch and goes right back to sleep. Lays around until 5pm ish. Dinner at 6pm. Goes back to sleep until 7 or so. We play fetch and tug after his food has settled and then a walk. He comes home with his energy and has some crazy time in the garden until 9pm and goes back to sleep. Repeat each day.

    It's a pretty boring life for a dog!!

    He had diarrhea last week pretty bad and the vet put him on metronizadole. A few days ago he started limping (we arent sure why but he did leap to catch a fly in the kitchen and landed a bit funny, which could be it...). We have not been back to the vet yet about the limp, because it is off and on, and we've taken a watch-and-see approach, deciding tomorrow we will go back if it's not better.

    But it means we are not walking him, and not letting him play much, really. No fetch, gentle tug only, etc.
    I'm not sure what kinds of activities to do with him in the day, when it's SO hot, and keeping him calm.

    And what about if/when his limp is better....it can't be ok for a pup to just laze around ALL day. He does have a wee pool for a bit of cool off but as the garden is sweltering hot he doesn't even want to do that!

    Any suggestions on structuring the day, or fun activities for him?
  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Hi Kobe, I think it sounds like he might be in pain. I'd try to video the limp on your phone when it happens, then pop down the vet with him and even if he isn't limping at that point you'll then be able to play the clip to show what the issue is. I hope he's feeling better soon! There are some great tips for entertaining puppies here too - https://www.thelabradorsite.com/how-to-play-with-a-puppy/
  3. Kobe

    Kobe Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2018
    I actually do not think he isin pain, or if so only minor. Nothing in my post suggested he is, so I am confused why you would suggest that. We are having difficulty keeping him calm in the evenings, he runs and jumps, despite our best efforts not to allow him.
    We have attempted to video it but it's never worked, every video we take he looks fine. It's minor and I am not spending hundreds of euros for the vet to say "hmmm wait and see, keep him calm for a week" when we can just do that ourselves. Should he appear in pain or the limp be pronounced then fine. We had company over yesterday and the day before and no one else can notice it, just us.

    I think you've missed the main issue and picked up on a minor detail - the situation is that it is 30+ degrees all summer long, from May to September. It is utterly unbearable some days for both me and the dog. The dog lays in the kitchen for 12hrs a day because it's too hot. He has done this since the weather changed many weeks ago. His limp started three days ago. Not related.

    It's been all through the UK papers that dogs are dying on walks from heat stroke and it's about 25-28 degrees. Hot for England, yes. But for those who, like me, live in places with long hot summers of 30+ they must have activities and things to do with a dog when it's so hot the dog just wants to siesta all day?
  4. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    I walk my dogs very early in the morning around 5 or 6 . It is not 30 + then and they come back tired and have enjoyed being out.
    Have you not got a fan in your house? This helps to keep the room cool. Put his food in a food ball which will take him time to eat it. Play find it games with him.
    If you think he is ill take him to your vet, they will be able to help you.
    selina27 likes this.
  5. Kobe

    Kobe Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2018
    Guidelines where I live are to not see a vet until a limp has been a full 7 days, unless thd dog is wimpering in pain or refusing to walk. I am not neglecting my dog's health, and will take him immediately should we feel it warrants it.
    The guidelines here are to protect the animal - too many people go to the vet and want an immediate answer or solution which then generally becomes medication - painkillers, anti inflammatories, demands for xrays etc. Unless the dog really needs painkillers the vet's advice is to encourage rest on the limb for one full week. My pup does not need painkillers at this point in time. In the 3 months we have had him, we've become well acquianted with our vet over numerous visits so it's not like we are neglectful of his health. At this point, he does not need to see a vet.

    The limp is 3 days old - the heat is not. The lying around in the kitchen is from the heat not the limp.

    Fans do not lower the temperature of the room. Our kitchen is cool and has a small airconditioner which keeps the temp about 5 degrees cooler but it's still very hot. He doesnt last 15 minutes outside of the kitchen before he flops on the floor again. We try to stay with him as much as possible but I cant be in the kitchen all day. Its quite a small room so I am looking for games or ideas to play with him to keep him interacting and not bored.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of puppy activities for hot weather?
  6. GaryC

    GaryC Every day is a school day with a Lab pup.

    Jan 18, 2018
    Fife, Scotland
    We don't have your heat but its not far off at the moment, but principles are the same I suppose. I go out very early for the walk, then play with ball and a wee bit of training in the evening when it cools down a bit.

    Nose games and puzzle games are good for the dogs, and can be as tiring / fun for them as a walk. In the cooler parts of your house, try hiding food, sniffing type games, or maybe buy a couple of puzzles that you can put food in. Jax loves them and would play all day if we let him. Labs I have / know don't do too well in hot weather and do become lethargic, so what you describe isn't abnormal in my experience.

    Just be a bit inventive, there are sites on t'internet that have suggestions.

    Fans may not lower the temperature of the room, but they certainly do make you feel cooler with the flow of air on you and they do lower your temperature.
    selina27 likes this.
  7. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    You could try teaching your pup to pick up an object and put it in a container ( box or basket), then you can gradually add more objects and teach him to pick up the one you indicate -either by learning their names or learning to go for the one you point to. For us this is a winter evening game in a small living room so the objects are only about a metre apart. From your pup’s point of view doing it like this means less movement (so keeping cooler) but still mentally stimulating.
    I use things like a ball, a hoop, an empty drink can, a soft toy etc.

    If you don’t mind a bit of water on the floor, or if you can create some shade outside, ( large sunshade?) you could do bobbing for tennis balls. Put a few tennis balls in a bowl of water ( like a washing up bowl) and ask your pup to get one.
    selina27 and lucy@labforumHQ like this.
  8. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Where do you live?
    selina27 likes this.
  9. Kobe

    Kobe Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2018
    Thanks for the idea. I started teaching him to clean up his toys today. Not sure if I am going about it the right way LOL but it is donething to work on as all of the toys can go in the kitchen and we can stay cool! Something to deducate a few days of learning to!
    Im sorry, I dont share that on the internet. Why di you need to know?
  10. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    I just thought other members who live in the same country where you are, could help you with your problem better than other members who live in a cool place.
    Don't worry I don't need to know.
    Joy, selina27 and Stacia like this.
  11. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    To offer help maybe?
  12. Helen Mac

    Helen Mac Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2018
    It is 40 degrees today and from now on the temperature will probably be rising daily reaching mid to late 40s by August. We go for an early morning walk around 6, play a bit of fetch and by 8 we are back in the house for the day. Max is 4 months old. He does not seem too bothered to sleep for most of the day. Around sunset we walk in the garden but it is still too hot to go for a long walk. I wish we had a swimming pool - for now we have only the hole!! I wet a towel for Max to sleep on and he loves that - although it really makes him smell like "wet dog". Some afternoons we go to visit his 7 month old neighbour dog friend but they only play a little and then both just flop down. We have a big bucket outside in which Max can cool down but again we need to wait until late afternoon before we can venture outside. Max only goes to bed around midnight - perhaps he needs to catch up on sleep during the day :)
    pippa@labforumHQ likes this.
  13. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    That's a great idea :)

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