We have a strange issue with our 17 week lab, we can't really figure out what this is about. Whenever we come in from outside he literally stops at that door paws up on the step looking at us as we entered first, he will NOT come through the door, we will excitedly say come in come on and he just stands there. We don't get why he does this, we will end up shutting the door to give him a clue that well if you don't come i the door closes, but i takes a lot of come on come in to get him in. It's almost like he expects a treat to come in which we have never treated for that although I did yesterday because it was 100 degrees here and our AC was running so we didn't want to "hold" the door open. Anyone have any idea why he wont just come in and follow us when we say it's ok?
It's very common for puppies to be very happy to get into a car for the outward journey, and reluctant to get into a car for the homeward journey - that's because the homeward journey signals the end of the fun. If you usually take your dog out on foot, the same principle might apply? Could it be that he has had fun outdoors and doesn't want the fun to end?
He is coming to the door on his own and waiting there for us to open the door so I don't think that's what it is. When he doesn't come in we have tried going back out and play more with him but he'll just still stand there.
We're experiencing the opposite, when we step outside ,our 15 week old will often just sit and refuse to move. Sometimes a bit of coaxing will get her moving, but there's been a few times when I've had to give the lead a tug. Not ideal. Once she's moving she seems quite happy, until the next time she decides not to budge. It has been quite hot recently, I wonder if that has anything to do with it?
Hi my 20 week old pup was the same,i posted on here about it a few weeks ago and was advised to let her sit and take the world in around her which im trying to do(lots of patience needed!) She is getting slowly better,walking more and not so many sit downs,mainly if she sees or hears something new,so i guess try the same and give it time,hope this helps
Five month old Finn knows that if we leave the park and turn right it means heading to the beach for more fun, but turning left means we're going home, so he has a sit down protest which can last several minutes until I convince him he does not have a choice about this! If I'm in a hurry I leave by a different exit.