Hi Everyone, We have 2 electric couches which open up for sleeping. We always supervise when Summer is out of his crate for indoor play. Now he is so strong and fast, even trailing a 6 foot leash, he dives though any space and moves the couch to get to the wire coming from each couch to the wall outlet. Are the pvc cable covers able to protect the pup from getting to the wire? We will also add temporary fence panels to block the entire area where he sneeks in. Thank you in advance for any help. I would add pics, but I don’t know how. Jon
We have these too. They are covered with electrical tape and a rug usually. I think the fact that they are basically flat to the floor makes them quite boring. We moved the rug because puppy wee'd on it when very little. (We could probably put it back now!). We just distracted him every time he showed any interest in them and by now (19 weeks) he shows no interest in them unless some kibble has been near them. PVC covers might do the trick, depending on how tough they are, but restricting his access to the area when he is a little crocopup and still learning what is appropriate to chew is probably best. For what it's worth, we can now leave Chewie unattended in the living room for short periods (quick showers etc) and know that he won't try to eat the recliner cables!
I think they would work if it is just temporary and you would be on the scene quickly - but I don't think they would work if the pup had a lengthy amount of time to sit and chew, not after what I have seen Jax chew through in the past. Jax did this in the early days too, but very quickly grew out of it.