20 month old lab intermittent limping, ED????

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Alison weller, Aug 5, 2018.

  1. Alison weller

    Alison weller Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2017
    Hi everyone, we have a 20 month old chocolate female lab called Willow . Over the last couple of months she has had 2 episodes of limping on one of her front legs, I took her to the vet and she is having a x-ray tomorrow ☹️ I think the vet suspects Elbow Dysplacia, my question is could anyone with experience with this tell me the symptoms of their dogs please especially if they are over 18 months old. Willows are as follows:

    1. Intermittent limping 2 episode over a couple of months on front leg

    2. Fine when when goes on long walks normally apart from these 2 episodes

    3. She doesn’t seem to mind her elbow being moved around but did yelp when the vet touched her toes but the next time the vet did this she didn’t yelp

    4. Starting to move foot to the side slightly, this had only just started today

    5. Limps more after rest.

    I’m hoping for the best but want to be prepared too, thanks all in advance.
  2. mandyb

    mandyb Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2013
    East Devon
    Sorry I don't have any experience, but hoping for the very best x-ray results tomorrow.
    Please let us know how you get on.

    Welcome to the forum btw.:)
  3. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Welcome to the forum. Sorry that your girl is limping. There is quite a broad spectrum of symptoms and conditions under the umbrella term "Elbow Dysplasia". If there is a problem with the elbows, it is not the end of the world, indeed quite a number of dogs on the forum have managed really well despite having the diagnosis.
    It does help though having a thorough diagnosis and I would really push for a referral to a good orthopaedic vet.
    Let us know how you get on! :)
    Rosie likes this.
  4. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    So sorry to hear about your worries - do let us know how the X-rays go. Willow is a beautiful girl!
  5. Alison weller

    Alison weller Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2017
    Hi everyone, thanks for the replies, sadly she has been diagnosed with DJD, next step is to have a more complex scan at a veterinary hospital to determine how severe it is and the next steps, Nightmare!!!! The vet has said it’s not life changing but we would have to be careful about her jumping to try and keep her healthy into her old age, anybody else had this?
  6. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Oh, I am so sorry, but try not to worry, I know this sounds impossible right now. A CT scan will give a much more in-depth view of what is happening in the joint. If there is evidence of oesteo-arthritis, then something is not quite "fitting" correctly or there is something in the joint itself, a bit of debris for example, due to uneven wear and tear.
    There is so much orthopaedic vets can achieve these days, and it certainly sounds like your pup is in the right place with an early diagnosis.
    If you type "elbow dysplasia" in the search engine (top right corner) it will bring up previous threads around the subject.
    Alison weller likes this.
  7. Alison weller

    Alison weller Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2017

    Thanks Beanwood, appreciate it.
  8. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Hello and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about Willow problem. There are members on the forum who have been through this and I am sure will help you the best they can.
  9. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi Alison, and welcome to the forum. Very sorry to hear your pup has been diagnosed with joint problems, you must be worried.
    . That's good, and this is a field where treatments are improving so hopefully she will still be able to have a normal, happy life. Hope the scan goes well for her.
  10. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    Hi @Alison weller , I did reply previously but my post seems to have been removed :( . I'm so sorry to hear your diagnosis. You have my sympathy. I have a 4 year old choccie girl that was diagnosed with ED at 7/8 months of age after her second episode of limping. The first occurring at 5months.
    Have to say that from experience I don't agree with your vet ED/DJD has an impact and it does change life. Perhaps not drastically like some problems but you will always have to monitor exercise and the type of exercise, not allow some activities, manage weight very closely and always be monitoring for the slightest sign of a limp or discomfort :( . Then there's the discussions on medication, pain management, attending hydrotherapy/physiotherapy sessions. That may all sound depressing but it is more realistic that it's not life changing, having said tgat your dog can still have a full and active life, perhaps just not in the way that was originally envisioned.
  11. Alison weller

    Alison weller Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2017
    Hi all, thanks for your posts, and Jojo83 thanks for your experience it’s good to know someone else with similae experiences although it’s not good that your dog has had to go through the same.

    Quick update - we went to Davies Veterinary specialists and Willow had a CT scan, from the results she has had to have keyhole surgery to remove some bone in her elbow, this will hopefully help her now and in the future, she obviously is going to have issues but the surgeon we saw is optimistic that she will make a good recovery, only problem now is keeping her quiet for the next 6 weeks . We can only take her out in the garden on a lead for the toilet no jumping on sofa or beds (she has always slept with us) and we have to keep her on the carpeted areas. Luckily Willow is not a hugely excitable dog but this is going to be a challenge as we both work full time, my MIL used to have her during the day but can’t now as she has 2 dogs and Willow will just want to play. Poor Willow is going to be very bored. Any suggestions to keep her occupied??? Other than all of that she is happy to be home and we are showering her with love. Xx
    Diane Hess likes this.
  12. Alex hayes

    Alex hayes Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2018
  13. Alex hayes

    Alex hayes Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2018
    I’m feeling you’re pain! We are now 5 week’s post surgery with our 8 month old girl. To make you feel a little better, they soon learn the routine. I have been lucky enough to be able to come home every 4 hours to toilet and cuddle, but work has suffered! Maybe look into someone who can visit while youre at work. The hardest part is not feeding too much! As they’re not exercising you have to cut right back on food.
    I bought some chew items which take ages to consume.....even for a lab. Sounds gross but deer horn and cow hoof which I purchase from the pet shop. I also try and leave the tv or radio on. Good luck. Before you know it you’ll be 6 weeks down the track. I’m waiting to see what the next 6 week’s are going to be like.
    Alison weller likes this.
  14. Alison weller

    Alison weller Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2017
    Thanks Alex, I bought a deer horn and she doesn’t like it , I think she’s just lazy. I’ve reduced her food (kibble) down to 120grams in the morning and same again at night, looks to me like she’s putting on weight already despite this. We’ve tried to cushion the floor around the sofa’s so if she does managed to jump off at least it shouldn’t be too hard on her, we’ve also had to buy some remnant carpets as we have wood floor in the hall and she spends a lot of time in the kitchen. Can I ask how long your dog was in pain killers for? Willow only has a few days worth left and I’m concerned she’ll be in pain. Thanks Ali
  15. Alex hayes

    Alex hayes Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2018
    Hi Ally,
    Olive is still on a reduced amount just when she needs it. She’s had a couple of half doses this week. The vet said it’s not unusual to still be on them 6-8 week’s post surgery. I’m trying to wean her off and now only on a couple of half tablets per week. We are having the 6 week X-ray tomorrow. I’m keen to know what the next 6 weeks brings. The confinement is the worst part!
    Alison weller likes this.
  16. Alison weller

    Alison weller Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2017

    Hi Alex,

    How did the x-ray go? Have you got a excercise routine for your girl now?

    We are 4 weeks in, she’s being very good to be fair but I can’t stop her running to the door when someone knocks and she has managed to jump off the sofa a couple of times, luckily I have put cushions everwhere so at least it was a soft landing. You we’re right, she’s still on her pain meds, we’ve just got another months worth and my local vet said they would probably re-prescribe after that, she still limps, does your dog?

    Hope your enjoying a little excercise with your girl now
  17. Alex hayes

    Alex hayes Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2018
    Hi Ally,
    There was no need for x rays as she presented well at the vet. I was told to still keep her calm and she has to be on a lead outside until week 12. We are able to increase the exercise on lead. She is still in the pen for a good part of the day while I’m at work with someone letting her out every 3-4 hours. We have 2 smaller dogs and she loves playing with one of them which is not ideal. The pen is time out/calm down time. I walked her today for 15 min and she was sore after so I gave her 1/2 a pain killer. We are now at week 9. It’s like 2 steps forward and 1 step back... I expected this. Good luck with yours. It hasn’t been fun for Olive or the family! It’s just time now. Xx
    Alison weller likes this.
  18. Alison weller

    Alison weller Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2017


    It sounds like you have an end in sight, I wish Olive and you well, fingers crossed both our girls come out of this in ok shape. Just to let you know in case you need to do the same, I’ve put Willow on Yumove tablets the veterinary hospital recommended we put her on something and out vets recommended those, the ones we have are especially for osteoarthritis, they are only available on prescription, she takes 2 a day and it will probably cost about £20 per month. Hopefully they’ll help her for the future. Please keep me informed about Olive. Xx
  19. Alex hayes

    Alex hayes Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2018
    Hi Ally,
    I should have also mentioned I give Olive the raw patties, leading raw I think they’re called. We went away for 5 days and she was minded by a pet sitter who was very strict with her diet. 1 patty in the morning and one at night. Then we had our vet appointment and she hadn’t put on any weight. It was a miracle! The vet was impressed however I know that if she had of been home the story would have been different!! I also give her some kibble for convenience. She still has a slight limp. Worse after exercise.
  20. Alex hayes

    Alex hayes Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2018
    Thanks Ally,
    I’ve in Australia but I’m sure there are similar meds here. I’ll check with the vet. Xx

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