First off, I’m so happy I found this group. I’ve been reading through some of the threads and have found some useful information. I have a 6 month old black lab. His name is Koa. He is my family’s first pet and we are absolutely in love with him. We brought him home at 8 weeks. The first few weeks were challenging to say the least but he is a smart dog and learns quickly. We still have a lot of work ahead of us but we are so happy to have him as part of our family.
Hi Michelle and welcome from me and my 6 month old choc lab Isla,it's so brilliant having a lab puppy isn't it
Welcome to you and Koa from a fellow Californian (now in Germany)! I don't have my own dog yet (my avatar is my boy Brogan who is no longer with me) but I have a year-old black Lab foster dog from Spain, Señor Carboncito. He's patiently teaching me the Lab ropes.