Following - Our 5 month old has had 2 accidents yesterday and today both wee and she took a few steps away and did a poo I washed the kitchen floor with bleach but read somewhere we should use vinegar and water our puppy has been great up to now she can normally hold her wee for ages She hasn’t had accidents since she was about 12 weeks
Not sure if this is correct but our breeder said things with bleach in smells like pee to them so they will do it where you’ve bleached? Can anyone back this up?
About once every couple of weeks, Holly (4 months old), will pee on the room carpet. She did this yesterday evening! It's very frustrating as there's no reason for her to need to it.
Ash was a nightmare! He would go weeks without a mishap and I'd think we'd cracked it, then he'd have a phase of accidents both pee and poo. The occasional pooing accidents carried on until he was 13mths old! Funnily enough it was always when it was dark, wet and windy outside. They will all get there eventually, some just take longer than others.