Flesh Lump on leg

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Prashant, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. Prashant

    Prashant Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018

    My Lab ( male) who is now almost 1 year old has developed some sort of fleshy lump on his leg. This is at the joint of the leg... for e.g in case of human where we have knee..exactly at that spot that lump has got developed.
    Though he is still active but I am worried abt that.

    My son who is 10 years old is extremely fond of him & he is also equally worried abt that lump.

    Pls let us know what is that & how to cure it.

  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi Prashant and welcome, I'm afraid we are not able to diagnose medical problems or prescribe treatments here on the forum. You'll need to have your dog examined by a vet. I hope that the lump is not serious. Most lumps are fairly minor and harmless so try not to worry, but it does need checking out.
  3. Prashant

    Prashant Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018

    Thanks for your reply. I will check with a vet & will get back to you.

    I have been going through other different interesting topics/threads & so have few questions for you.

    Well we stay in a complex with about 200 houses & we don't have any big place area as such. In such cases how should I exercise my lab so that he remains fit & active. Whenever I take him in open he is pretty much excited & at time is very difficult for us to control.
    Since he is just 1 year old he is full of energy & since we don't have our own lawn or any garden etc nearby it is bit difficult.
    It was mentioned in one of our post that lab need good exercise , especially without any leash, but it is not possible he has this tendency to go to people who are pretty afraid seeing a dog coming to them.

    Pls suggest few exercise which is possible in my case keeping the mind the above facts.

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