Morning whines

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Widgeon, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. Widgeon

    Widgeon Registered Users

    Nov 4, 2013
    This may be normal for a 6mth puppy but:-

    I had a spate when he would wake up or be woken by something about 4am and would whine right through until I get up at 6.
    I tried ignoring him, he just keeps going, I found letting him out in the garden worked for a few days (he had been sleeping right through without needing the toilet for a month or so) but made the mistake of petting him and once even feed him!!

    I have been setting my alarm and getting up to let him out for a wee before he wakes for a couple of weeks now, I hope this will break the 'cry and he comes' cycle.
    I have been really conscious of going to him when he whines and on the whole he is normally really quiet, but as soon as he hears me move around upstairs he starts to whine, jump at the sides of his pen and do that single bark noise. He's noisy for maybe 1min than quiet for 30sec than noisy etc.

    I wait till he's quiet then go down and ignore him until he's calmer before letting him out.

    Is this normal puppy behaviour or should he have grown out if it? If so what's the best way to train him out if it?

    He never messes in the house and never makes any noise in the eve when we go up, just straight into his crate and lays down.
    We have tried not letting him nap in the eve and walking before bed in case he was not tired.

    I know it's only a small thing but I would like to get a full nights sleep if poss!!! ;D
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Morning whines

    Hi , I think the crying has become a habit to be honest . At six months , he should be able to last from late evening until say 6 in the morning but has got used to being let out so its a case of breaking the habit now and theres only one way to do this, dont set your alarm, dont get up and try to ignore him . There may be the odd accident but at his age his should have reasonable control of his bladder , sufficient to last for 6-8 hours . The little monkeys do soon form habits , glad you arent feeding him in the early hours any more , that would have been a really hard act to break :)
  3. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Morning whines

    Hi there,I've got Dexter who is 13 months . Kate's right,it's a bad habit that's formed.we live in dubai and in the summer it starts to get light at 5 am...Dexter wakes up at 4.30 am.We went on holiday in june when Dexter was 9 months and he was house sat at home.when I got back I got whining at 4.30 am as his sitter had fallen for his tricks and had been letting him out at 4.30 am ....previously there was never a peep out of him until I sent only took us 2 mornings to get him back into our swing of things .....we just gave him a stern 'quiet'Ù‹down the stairs and he settled back down after a bit of complaining...I didn't go down to let him Out until he was quiet too
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Morning whines

    Hi, I can completely feel for you. I am currently going through the same thing with Harley who is 14 weeks old. It has only started this week. I have been getting up after a stern 'no'. She then quietens down then will start again. I live in a semi-detached house and am worried about the neighbour complaining again hence I get up. Harley rarely needs to go to the toilet. She gets on the sofa wanting to cuddle up!!!
    Harley is also pretty quiet god rest of the time......just seems to be around 4/5am!
    Tonight my neighbour is away so I'm gonna try and leave her to whine and hopefully settle herself down!
    Good luck with yours ;)
  5. Widgeon

    Widgeon Registered Users

    Nov 4, 2013
    Re: Morning whines

    Thanks for the replies.

    Yes he can hold himself as he was quiet all night for a while (or until he heard me moving about at around 6 anyway)
    It's just that when I let him out at 6 he seemed to be busting and then he started the 5am show. We were ignoring him but after around a week thought maybe it was more to it so started to get up if I woke up at about 4.45ish which worked.
    I would wake him up and after a bit of coercion would have a wee and go back to sleep, but never got around the 6am whine.

    Will try to ignore him and see how it goes this time, do feel slightly positive as he is always sound asleep when I go down early recently - maybe he has learnt what it's like to have someone wake you up each morn. ;D ;D

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