Hip Displasia & Hock Injury

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by barh, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. barh

    barh Registered Users

    Aug 23, 2018
    Hi all, new to posting here but have been catching up on advice everyone has shared since getting my lab puppy 6 months ago =)

    A couple of weeks ago we notice our puppy had a slight limp, rested for a couple of days and then took to the vets when it didn't improve. The vet called for x rays and a hock sample from her back hock as it was swollen. Puppy is fine in herself and not let it stop her bounding around / walking / running etc.

    We were prescribed rest and anti inflammatories in between the xrays which has helped a little, although it is really hard to rest a 6 month old pup!!

    Have just had the results back from the vet who shared them with a specialist and it sounds like she had a little hip dysplasia in one hip although the vet is not too worries about that. Also has a fractured hock which has caused the limp and swelling. She things no surgery will be needed just a course of 6 weeks rest and more anti inflamatorries for now to see how she gets on.

    I have a couple of questions I need advice on please...

    1. does anyone have tips for resting a 6 week puppy we cannot walk!
    2. has anyone experienced this and what was the outcome?

    I am really hoping for a full recovery so she can live a happy life!
  2. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    There is a 'sticky' thread with ideas for managing a dog on restricted exercise/crate rest which may help you.
    There are quite a few members who have experienced pups with elbow dysplasia with operations, crate rest and rehabilitation. Although not the same as your pups diagnosis it may helpful to search for threads which will share their experience of coping and recovery. My own experience is with limping at 5.5 months, 2 weeks restricted exercise and anti inflamnatories which 'cured' the problem. At 7 months the limp recurred and resulted in surgery at 8 months folliwing xrays and scans. Post op exercise was restricted to 3 x 3 minutes per day for 4cweeks and then very gradual increase to exercise.
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011

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