Broken Toe

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Angie01, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. Angie01

    Angie01 Registered Users

    Aug 29, 2018
    So after a vet visit dog has a broken toe. Its his back 4th had a splint he chewed it off. He is 2 a yellow lab. He is on pain meds and antiobitics for infection..question vet can splint again this weekend and will also prescribe a sedative to keep him calm. Having hard time keeping him down he runs around and is still limping and favoring leg and kind of trotting on 3 legs. I did not.have a cone before but now do..i know it will heal on its own and afsid he.will hurt himself with cone while gonw at work..reading so much about infections from splints..should indo a splint and see or just do meds and sedative to.keep him from.moving so much..his spirits are good but he is on pain meds so i know that masks pain..advice helpful just dont want him.hurting himself destroying another splint. Husband thinks he is gonna mend fine but advice appreciated. Worst case down the line they can amputate said he thinks he will grow q callus and heal he is just full of energy. So.stressed over this thank u
  2. tom@labforumHQ

    tom@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2018
    Hi Angie, welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear your dog's having a hard time. I'm sure someone on here who's been through something similar will have some advice
  3. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Sorry your dog has broken his toe! That must be painful for him. Poor lad.
    Really, if you don't want him chewing the splint/dressing then a cone is the only way to go. There are different types of cones now available that are more comfortable for the dog that the traditional Elizabethan hard plastic type.
    Buster inflatable cones are quite good, and are not expensive. You can buy them through Amazon. I used this when one of my dogs damaged his toe and it helped to keep the dressing in place.
    If you are at work, can you enlist a friend, member of the family, or a dog walker to sit and keep him company for a bit?
  4. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there and welcome! You are definitely going to need a cone if your dog is left unsupervised, and during the night. I hope your dog's toe heals quickly, let us know how he gets on :)
    Diane Hess likes this.

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