Help is my lab aggressive??

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Katie Copnall, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Katie Copnall

    Katie Copnall Registered Users

    Sep 2, 2018
    Hello, I am new to this and was wondering if you could help. I’ve got a lovely nearly 2yr old black lab. He’s a lovely boy, fantastic with my children but every now and again he attacks my husband. Despite my husband doing the majority of walking, feeding him etc he’s my boy. Being a typical 2yr old lab, he’s into pretty much everything. Occasionally if I’m out of the room the dog will start trying to bite my husband, barks at him and generally just tries to get a reaction. If my husband does tell him off then he tends to get worse and goes for him more. This only really happens if I’m out the room. My husband has never hit him or anything and generally he is fine. But when it does happen it’s a little worrying. Can anyone help please??
  2. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Katie, it is a little hard to picture what you are describing. On the one hand, it would be very possible for the dog to be trying to play with him at these times - barking can be an invitation to play or an angry 'come on and play with me, why aren't you?' - along with mouthing in play.

    On the other hand, it's not impossible that something about this situation and context spooks the dog - being alone in a room with your husband - and causes him to react. It may be an association with something which happened in the past. So I wouldn't want to totally reassure you it's not aggression on the basis of your description.

    We would really need more to go on here, either a very accurate detailed description of what happens and the dog's body language during it, and a whole load of more info - or (preferably) a video of what's happening. Alternatively you may want to work with a qualified behaviourist who can assess your dog and let you know...

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