No energy/lazy 4 year old

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Sunnyshiney, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Sunnyshiney

    Sunnyshiney Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2018
    I wonder if anyone may be able to help/suggest please.
    We have a gorgeous female lab who is such a laid back girl (failed assistance dog) She's 4 years old and she's got a lot more lazy and slower over the past few months. She's never been a massive fan of a ball - too much effort! But she likes to play with other dogs. As a result of this lack of effort, I'm sure she's not as fit as she was as we can walk for miles and she will just trot along with us not really exploring, just stopping and sniffing.
    I was just wondering if anyone has used or knows of any vitamins that will help to give her a new lease of life and help her feel more energised.
    Thank you for reading.
  2. tom@labforumHQ

    tom@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2018
    Hello and welcome to the forum! Hope you find the help you need on here :)
    EmmaHughes likes this.
  3. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Sunnyshiney, you indicate she likes playing with other dogs. There she's telling you what she would like to do. Why not drop by an obedience club, do an obedience class, and let her play with some other friendly dogs after the class. Alternatively, seek out a dog walkers association. She can have a stimulating time walking with the other dogs.
    Before doing so, I'd get a vet to check her out. There may be a physical reason for her ennui. Equally, she might need to be motivated. Assistance work is mentally stimulating. She might be bored.
  4. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    I agree, and would get her checked over at the vet. If she is significantly slower and more lethargic in general, for example, what is she like in the morning? Does she greet you with a waggy tail or has that changed/ Does she get excited over food? Has she been stressed lately? Any change to her normal routine, or environment, the weather conditions for example.
    Dogs don't get lazy, and any change from the "norm" does need to get checked out.
    I also wondered how long you have had her being 4 years old, did she fail training or did something happen in service?

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