Puppy crate & playpen

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Mollymooker, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. Mollymooker

    Mollymooker Registered Users

    Sep 18, 2018
    Hi, we are due to get our puppy in 2 weeks and I still need to buy a crate & playpen. Can I ask which crate other puppy owners bought? Do I get a small one & change it when puppy grows?

    Also I was wondering if anyone had bought the Ellie-Bo heavy duty 6 piece puppy pen or any others you can recommend? I’d be interested to read some reviews. I’m also getting overwhelmed with all the different leads you can buy!! Appreciate any help, recommendations please.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2018
    JuliePenguin likes this.
  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Welcome to the forum!

    You have a couple of choices regarding size - get a small crate for now and a bigger one when she grows, or get the biggest one now but use a divider. If you don't divide the large crate she's likely to use part of it as a toilet :)

    There is no better option as long as you use the divider with the bigger size, so just pick the one that suits your situation both practically and financially the best!

    If you let us know how you are planning on using the pen (indoors/outdoors/daytime only etc) then we can hopefully help point you in the right direction.

    You might also find these articles useful:
  3. tom@labforumHQ

    tom@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2018
    Hi Molly, welcome to the forum! Hope you find all the answers you need
    Mollymooker likes this.
  4. Mollymooker

    Mollymooker Registered Users

    Sep 18, 2018
    Thank you for your reply & welcoming me to the group!

    We are planning on using a crate & playpen indoors so I thought the Ellie Bo one looked good but I’ll have a look at the website Links you mentioned.

    Thank you!
  5. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Hi there.... I wondered the same when we got our pup as we were lucky enough to be given 2 crates by a friend, one small and one large. I was worried about starting with the wrong one and then having to change it or buddy not liking the change etc.... we decided to start with the small for toileting reasons and it worked a treat. He was house trained super quick, in for each nap etc and quickly got used to it.

    After I few weeks we swapped it for the larger crate and he never batted an eyelid! He walks straight in when he’s tired and has never had an accident in either crate. So I guess if you can get them reasonable, I would, in my limited experience, start small then go large. But as others have said, a divider will do just the same. Hope that helps!
  6. EmmaHughes

    EmmaHughes Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2017
    Hi and welcome from Mason and myself
  7. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    The other advantage to having several different sizes of crate (rather than a big one with a divider) is you can then put the little crate by your bed, the medium crate under the kitchen table.... and so on.... so essentially you have more choice about where to have your pup when they are young and settling in...a huge crate doesn't fit everywhere...

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