15 weeks old now ...

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Diablo, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. Diablo

    Diablo Registered Users

    Nov 19, 2017
    A few weeks since an update on Dexter who is growing up rapidly (14.8kg today).

    Since having all of his jabs he goes out twice a day walking and most days I take him to a relatively safe place and let him off his lead which is great.

    He still has his puppy attachment and does not go more than 40 or 50 yards away and then comes running back so do some recall as part of this and hide occasionally and treats regularly. Generally call him and put him on his lead when close to other dogs to ensure they are ok but quickly let him off again and been no problems.

    Dexter is very respectful of other dogs and soon establishes an older dog is not very interested in play and heads for their owner for fuss and never pushes it with the dogs.

    Dog training has continued to be hard work for one reason only - he sees all of the puppies (he is youngest attendee) and young dogs as playmates and when sat waiting his turn for individual tasks he barks a lot and wants to engage them which is something he does no where else.

    Absolutely no problem with the training and learning quickly but looks like we have a continually yappy dog which is not the case - we are wondering if this is because he rarely gets the chance to play with other puppies the rest of the time.

    The chewing and biting has improved but if you get down on the floor be armed with a toy as he sees this as rough play time.

    My daughter has gone back to university so for the moment that problem has subsided (nothing she did wrong) and she comes home for a long weekend mid November so see how it goes then.

    The latest trick is leaping on the furniture with no warning as he has grown enough to do this - plan is (or was) not to let him on the sofa/chairs but in the evening a blanket has gone there and he settles. Seems he may have won that one.....

    Keen to go into his crate around 10pm and sleeps until about 6.30am which is great with no accidents at all.

    Still very hard work a lot of the time but key is to have him in his crate a little more often where he sleeps more soundly as otherwise he gets up and wants to follow you, this way you can get on with the tasks in hand.

    He really loves frozen carrots and that is the treat of choice if being shut away for an hour or two during the day.

    Adored by all the family (apart from the two cats who are not so present these days) !
  2. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Sounds very much like buddy who is around 17 weeks now. He also loves to try and engage/bark when he finds a ‘candidate’ ha ha!
  3. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Diablo I'm impressed. You're doing top notch stuff with your dog.

    You can try dropping a treats on the ground as he is barking. When he chews it, say yes and give a treat.

    If he cottons onto what you are doing an barks and looks at the floor for a treat don't drop a treat. Don't reinforce the barking unless you want to put that also on cue. When your dog is quiet say quiet, yes and treat.
  4. Diablo

    Diablo Registered Users

    Nov 19, 2017
    Thanks, my turn on the lead (we do it week about) when we go back to training at the end of the month and will try that out.

    I did forget to mention that the other week he took my iPhone off a unit whilst I went into the kitchen and I returned to find him joyfully breaking the screen - my son emailed his Mum telling her Dexter must have done something really bad as Dad had screamed at him !!!

    Luckily it was repairable and is now kept further out of reach.

    He destroys toys really quickly but he has a new one that seems to be defeating him - a piece of deer antler.

    Also seems to be teething as noticing the odd gap appearing and some crunchy chewing, but the new teeth grow in almost immediately.

    Like everything with puppies you keep learning and must always be very, very vigilant !!

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